

单词 学以致用
释义 文馨英漢☞學以致用学以致用 xuéyǐzhìyòngstudy for the purpose of application学以致用xuéyǐzhìyòngto study sth to apply itstudy for practical applications学以致用to study something for practical application学以致用 xué yǐ zhì yòng learn in order to practise; apply what one has learned; learning in order to practice; learning for practice; education with a view to service to (serving) the country; gear one's study to practical use; put into practice what one has learned; study for the purpose of application; study sth. in order to apply it; use what one has learned:  我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。 We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose. 学以致用1. to study for the purpose of application; to study something in order to apply it; to put into practice what has been learned学以致用study for the sake of application; study sth. in order to apply it




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