

单词 孝敬
释义 孝敬1. to present a tribute to孝敬 xiàojìng1) give a present or show respect (to one's elder/superior)2) present a gift/etc. to one's parents孝敬xiàojìngto show filial respectto give presents (to one's elders or superiors)to support one's aged parents孝敬孝顺尊敬to show filial respect孝敬父母 respect one's parents孝敬公婆 respect one's parents-in-law敬献to give a gift孝敬 xiào jìng show filial respect for; give presents (to one's elders or superiors); piety; moral obligation to look after one's parents (elderly):  儿女们都认为应当孝敬父母。 The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their parents.;  这些孩子孝敬他们的双亲。 The children treated their parents with filial respect. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶孝敬 [xiao4jing4], v.t., (1) to present eatables, etc. (to parents, elders): 這是我孝敬祖母的 this is my present to grandmother; (2) to serve with love and respect.孝敬,孝養 (vbb.) 季刊季刊,季報孝敬a.pious尽责的;〈古〉孝敬的,孝顺的n.piety孝顺,孝敬孝敬1. to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)2. to show filial piety and respect for one's parents孝敬1. show filial respect to (one's elders)2. give presents to (one's elders or superiors) to show one's respect; pay a tribute of respect to♦ 他带了些南边的土产来~他奶奶。 He brought his grandmother some local produce from the south as a gift.英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞DUTIFUL英華☞FILIAL英華☞DUTY英華☞FEE




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