

释义 存1. to keep2. to live3. to exist4. to survive存 cúnI v.1) store; keep; preserve2) accumulate; collect; gather存点儿钱以备万一。 Save some money for the unexpected.3) deposit (money)把钱存银行。 Deposit money in the bank.4) leave with; check (luggage)5) reserve; retain6) remain on balance; be in stock7) cherish; harbor8) comp. saveII b.f.exist; live; survive (生存)存cúnto existto depositto storeto keepto survive存 v. 生存to exist父母俱存。 Both parents are still alive.储存to store存种子的仓库 storehouse for seeds存些粮食过冬。 Store some grain to use in the winter.存些钱以备急用。 Save some money for emergencies.仓库里存着小麦。 There is wheat stored in the granary.蓄积to accumulate新建的水库已经存满了水。 The newly-built reservoir is already full of water.储蓄to deposit存钱 save money把钱存在银行里 deposit money in the bank参见:存放[cúnfàng]把东西存在熟人家里。 Leave the things with someone you know.保留to keep back肚子里存不住话 be unable to keep back the words结存to be left over实存 real balance净存二百元 two hundred yuan left over心里怀着to bear存着希望 harbour hope心存侥幸 feel lucky不存任何顾虑 not harbour any misgivings whatsoever存 cún 动 (存在; 生存) exist; live; survive:  残存 remnant; surviving;  名存实亡 exist only in name but not in reality (储存; 保存) store; keep:  存粮 store up grain;  封存 seal up for safekeeping;  水库存了大量的水。 A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir.  天气热, 西红柿存不住。 Tomatoes won't keep in hot weather. (蓄积; 聚集) accumulate; collect:  一下雨, 洼地里就存了好些水。 Whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land. (储蓄) deposit:  他总是把一半薪金存入银行。 He always deposits half of his salary in the bank. (寄存) leave with; check:  存自行车 leave one's bicycle in a bicycle park;  你们可把箱子存在服务台。 You can check your suitcases in at the desk.  行李先存在这里, 回头再来取。 Let's check our luggage here and come back for it later. (保留) reserve; retain:  求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences;  他有什么说什么, 肚子里存不住话。 He always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back. (结存; 余留) remain on balance; be in stock:  收支相抵, 净存两千元。 The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan. (心里怀着) cherish; harbour:  不存幻想 harbour no illusions;  存着很大的希望 cherish high hopes 存存 215A10  12.00  部居  畫數 6ㄘㄨㄣˊ [cun2] V.i.(1)  To exist, to be, remain in a place: 存在 [cun2zai4]↓;生存 survive, -al;存亡,存歿 [cun2wang2], [cun2mo4]↓.(2)  Remain on account: 結存 balance;僅存 only so much remains.V. t.(1)  To deposit money in bank: 存放,存款 [cun2fang4], [cun2kuan3]↓;存單,存摺 [cun2dan1], [cun2zhe2]↓;存庫 [cun2ku4]↓, 存戶 [cun2hu4]↓.(2)  To keep in mind, to send remembrance to friend: 惠存 signature on photograph presented to friend, “for you to keep”;存慰,存問,存候,存勞 to send remembrance, [cun2wei4], [cun2wen4] [cun2hou4], [cun2lao2]↓;存心,存意 have intention, [cun2xin1], [cun2yi4]↓;存疑 entertain doubt, [cun2yi2]↓.(3)  To leave for safekeeping: 寄存 leave at friend's place for safekeeping;寄存銀行 deposit in a bank;保存 to preserve (art works, tradition).Adj.Remaining (food, water): 存貨 inventory of merchandise.Words1. 存案 [cun2an4], v. i., register officially for the record.2. 存查 [cun2cha2], v. t., to keep in the files for future reference.3. 存儲 [cun2chu3], v.t., to deposit in bank; to hoard up (also 存貯).4. 存單 [cun2dan1], n., receipt for deposit.5. 存放 [cun2fang4], v. t., to deposit in bank, to place for safekeeping.6. 存撫 [cun2fu3], v.i., to send regards to people in distress, to comfort.7. 存根 [cun2gen1], n., check stub, counterfoil.8. 存候 [cun2hou4], v.t., to send regards.9. 存戶 [cun2hu4], n., depositor or an account at bank.10. 存貨 [cun2huo4], n., remaining goods.11. 存活 [cun2huo2], v.i. & t., to survive, to keep alive.12. 存摺 [cun2zhe2], n., deposit or savings book.13. 存記 [cun2ji4], v.i., to register officially for future reference (as applicant, etc.).14. 存注 [cun2zhu4], v.i., (LL) see [cun2jUan4]↓.15. 存眷 [cun2jUan4], v.i., (LL) to keep for remembrance, remember (friend).16. 存庫 [cun2ku4], n. & v.i., treasury, vault; to keep in vault.17. 存款 [cun2kuan3], n., amount deposited; credit balance.18. 存勞 [cun2lao2], v.t., to send remembrance, send gifts for remembrance, to comfort (soldiers).19. 存錄 [cun2lu4], v.t., to record for future reference.20. 存歿 [cun2mo4], phr., question of remaining in existence or not, of life or death.21. 存身 [cun2shen1], v.i., to preserve one's life or health; to survive.22. 存神 [cun2shen2], v.i., to recuperate, store up energy.23. 存項 [cun2xiang4] ([cun2xiang0]), n., credit balance.24. 存省 [cun2xing3], v.i., to keep and consider.25. 存心 [cun2xin1], adv., have intention in mind: 存心不良 have wicked intentions.26. 存息 [cun2xi2], n., interest on deposits.27. 存視 [cun2shi4], v.t., to pay calls or respects.28. 存恤 [cun2xU4], v.t., to comfort (the distressed).29. 存在 [cun2zai4], v.i. & n., exist, -ence: 存在主義 (者) existentialism (-list).30. 存亡 [cun2wang2], n., question of survival or not.31. 存問 [cun2wen4], v.i., to pay respects, ask after health.32. 存慰 [cun2wei4], v.i., to send comforting message.33. 存養 [cun2yang3], v.i., to cultivate mind and preserve its original good nature.34. 存意 [cun2yi4], adv., see [cun2xin1]↑.35. 存疑 [cun2yi2], v.i., to show doubt, leave a question mark.存vt.place发出(订单等);销售(货物);投(资);存(款)sock〈口〉储(钱),存(钱)存1. to keep; to retain2. to store at国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞保存--节省--存存[cún]动1. exist; live; survive♦ 父母俱~。 Both parents are still living.2. store; keep♦ ~粮 store up grain♦ 新水库~了大量的水。 A large quantity of water is stored in the new reservoir.♦ 天气热, 西红柿~不住。 Tomatoes won't keep in hot weather.3. accumulate; collect♦ 一下雨, 洼地里就~了好些水。 Whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land.4. deposit♦ 把钱~在银行里 deposit money in a bank5. leave with; check♦ 行李先~在这里, 回头再来取。 Let's check our luggage here and come back for it later.♦ ~自行车 leave one's bicycle in a bicycle park6. reserve; retain♦ 他有什么说什么, 肚子里~不住话。 He always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back.7. remain on balance; be in stock♦ 收支相抵, 净~两千元。 The accounts show a surplus of 2, 000 yuan.8. cherish; harbour♦ ~着很大的希望 cherish high hopes♦ 不~幻想 harbour no illusions




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