

单词 字样
释义 文馨英漢☞字樣字样 zìyàng1) model of written characters2) expressions used in certain contexts箱子上有 “小心轻放!”字样。 On the box are the words “Handle with care!”3) word字样zìyàngmodel or template characterwritten slogan or phrasemention (e.g. "air mail" 航空 on a letter, "first draft" 初稿 on a document etc)字样字体规范model character字句short phrase or slogan printed or written in large characters字样 zì yàng (字体规范) model of written characters (用在某处的词语或简短的句子) printed or written words (which succinctly inform, instruct, warn, etc.):  封面上有 “初稿”字样。 On the cover are the words “First Draft”. 字样1. model of written characters2. printed or written expressions; printed or written words字样1. model of written characters2. printed or written words (which succinctly inform, instruct, warn, etc.)♦ 封面上有“初稿”~。 On the cover are the words “First Draft”.




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