单词 | 子 |
释义 | 子1. child2. seed3. a boy4. a sonABCABC★◀▶子 zǐI n.1) hist. master (title of respect)2) first of the 12 Earthly Branches3) viscountII b.f.1) son; child; offspringyoung; tender; small (父子, 子女)2) person (男子, 女子)3) seed (子儿)4) topo. egg (鸡子儿)5) copper coin; copper6) cartridge (子弹)7) female dragonfly8) sth. small and hard (棋子)9) pellet10) constituentIII m.for bundles/hanks/etc.IV pr.wr. you子 zi1) plain noun suffix桌子 table2) nominalizing suffix剪子 scissors子zǐsonchildseedeggsmall thing1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the RatViscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wǔ děng jué wèi]ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north)zi(noun suffix)子 n. 儿子son独生子 only son父子 father and son人的通称person男子 man女子 woman特指有学问的人suffix used to show respect to a man of learning in ancient China孟子 Mencius夫子 master卵egg鸡子儿 hen's egg鱼子 roe粒状物suffix used for small hard objects石头子儿 pebble枪子儿 bullet算盘子儿 abacus bead棋子儿 chess piece种子seed西瓜子儿 watermelon seed嗑瓜子儿 crack melon seeds with one's teeth铜子儿copper coin一个子儿也不值 not worth a copper coin参见:子部[zǐbù]参见:子爵[zǐjué]地支第一位the first of the twelve Earthly Branches measure word bundle一子儿挂面 a bundle of fine dried noodles一子儿线 a hank of thread pron. 古代指你you以子之矛,攻子之盾 pierce your shield with your own spear adj. 小的;嫩的small; tender子姜 tender ginger附属的subsidiary子 zǐ 名 (儿子) son: 父子 father and son; 长子 eldest son; 独生子 an only son (人的通称) person: 男子 male person; man; 女子 female person; woman; 童子 boy; lad; 稚子 child (古代特指有学问的男人) ancient title of respect for a learned or virtuous man: 孔子 Confucius; 孟子 Mencius; 荀子 Master Xun (种子) seed: 葵花子 sunflower seeds; 结子儿 bear seed; go to seed (卵) egg: 鱼子 roe; 鸡子儿 hen's egg (小而坚硬的块状物或粒状物) small and hard things: 弹子 bullet; billiard balls; pellet; marble; 棋子儿 chessman; piece; 石子儿 small stone; pebble; 丸子 meatball; pill; bolus (铜子儿; 铜元) copper coin; copper: 挣这么几个子儿 earn a small amount of money; 一个子儿也不值 not worth a copper or penny (封建五等爵位的第四等) the fourth ranking of the five feudal title of nobility; viscount (地支的第一位) the first of the twelve Earthly Branches (姓氏) a surname: 子都 Zi Du 形 (幼小的; 小的; 嫩的) young; small; tender: 子猪 pigling; piglet; shoat; 子姜 tender ginger; 子注 small-type explanatory notes in books 量 (用于能用手指掐住的一束细长物): 一子儿线 a hank of thread; 一子儿韭菜 a bundle of chives; 一子挂面 a bundle of fine dried noodles 代 (古代指你) you: 以子之矛, 攻子之盾 set your own spear against your own shield 另见 zi。 2) 子 zi (名词后缀): 桌子 table; desk; 筷子 chopsticks; 矮子 a short person; dwarf; 猴子 monkey (个别量词后缀): 这档子事 this matter; this business; 来了一伙子人。 Here came a group of people. 我一下子想不起她的名字。 I just can't recall her name.; Her name escapes me for the moment. 另见 zǐ。子子 534C45 32.00 部居 畫數 3ㄗˇ [zi3] (*ㄗ˙ [zi0] unaccented as particle).Part.(*[zi0]) Attached to nn. for phonetic effect and for forming a bisyllablic n. to help distinguish it from a monosyllablic homonym [WEdit: '-syllablic' should read '-syllabic'];the use of [zi0], or of [er0]is determined entirely by usage: 桌子 (table, desk), 椅子 (chair), 筷子 (chopsticks), 金子 (gold), 銀子 (silver), 驢子 (donkey), 猴子 (monkey).N.(1) The fruit or seeds of plants: 種子 seeds;花子 flower seeds;桃子 peaches;梨子 pears.(2) eggs of animals: 魚子 the roe of fish;烏魚子 caviar.(3) offspring: 子嗣 [zi3si4], 子孫 [zi3sun1], 子姪 [zi3zhi2], 子女 [zi3nU3]1, 子媳 [zi3xi2]↓;太子 the crown prince;王子 prince;世子 the son of a feudal lord;宗子 the eldest son born of the first wife;長子,次子,少子 eldest, second, youngest son born of the first wife;義子 adopted son, godson;遺腹子 posthumous son;獨生子 one's only son.(4) The first character in the duodecimal cycle, see Appendix A: 子時 [zi3shi2]↓.(5) Title of respect for men of distinction: 孔子 Confucius;孟子 Mencius;先秦諸子 the pre-Chirn philosophers;諸子百家 the various schools of thought;天子 the Emperor (“the son of heaven”).(6) Pupil, disciple: 子弟 [zi3di4]↓.(7) One's spouse: 內子 my better half, wife;外子 my husband;妻子 wife, family: 他的妻子 his wife and children.(8) A person: 舟子 boatman;士子 scholar;男子 men;女子 women, girls;孩子 boy;小子 child;赤子 baby, young boy, an innocent child: 赤子之心 innocent heart;童子 Boy: 童子軍 boy Scouts;孺子 boy;稚子 child.(9) A nobleman, viscount ranking next below an earl or count (伯) and above a baron (男): 子爵 [zi3jUe2]↓.(10) Anything standing in relation to another like mother and child: 分子 (math.) the numerator (opp. 分母 the denominator): 子金 [zi3jin1]↓.(11) Anything small in size: 銅子兒 copper coin;彈子 bullet, billiard balls;丸子 a meat ball, a pill (pellet) of medicine.Words1. 子本 [zi2ben3], n., capital and interest.2. 子部 [zi3bu4], n., “philosophy,” the third main division of traditional classification of Chin. books, as distinct from “Confucian classics” (經), “history” (史), and “belles-lettres” (集).3. 子城 [zi3cheng2], n., minor division of a metropolitan city, an extension of the old city.4. 子錢 [zi3qian2], n., (1) money put out at interest; (2) interest from money lent.5. 子彈 [zi3dan4], n., bullet.6. 子道 [zi3dao4], n., filial duties.7. 子弟 [zi3di4], n., (1) children in relation to elders; sons and younger brothers of a family (opp. 父兄 father and elder brother); able-bodied men (opp. 父老 elders); (2) patron of prostitutes; n., 子弟書 [zi3di4shu1], n., songs sung to the accompaniment of a drum, as originated by Manchu boys.8. 子房 [zi3fang2], n., (bot.) the ovary.9. 子婦 [zi3fu4], n., (1) formerly, son and daughter-in-law; (2) daughter-in-law.10. 子規 [zi3gui1], n., (zoo.) the cuckoo.11. 子宮 [zi3gong1], n., the womb, the uterus; 子宮頸部 cervix.12. 子薑 [zi3jiang1], n., young ginger.13. 子金 [zi3jin1], n., interest from capital (母金).14. 子注 [zi3zhu4], n., small-type explanatory notes in books.15. 子姪 [zi3zhi2]1, n., sons and nephews.16. 子職 [zi3zhi2]2, n., filial duties.17. 子爵 [zi3jUe2], n., viscount(cy).18. 子句 [zi3jU4], n., (grammar) a clause.19. 子口 [zi2kou3], n., formerly, an inland customs station: 子口稅 transit dues.20. 子兒 [tzeeer0], n., (1) plant seeds; (2) a bundle (of noodles, etc.); number of anything long and slender lumped together; (3) anything small and hard: 石頭子兒 pebbles; n., 子兒表 [tzeeer0biao3], n., small pocket watch; n., 子兒繩 [tzeeer0sheng2], n., a kind of thin string made of flax fiber.21. 子粒 [zi3li4], n., tiny particles.22. 子門 [zi3men2], n., (Chin. med.) the cervix of the womb.23. 子民 [zi3min2], n., the people.24. 子目 [zi3mu4], n., detailed list of contents.25. 子母 [zi3mu3], n., (1) mother and child; (2) capital and interest; (3) two things, one heavy and the other light, as contrasted with one another; 子母彈 (mil.) shrapnel; 子母環 two links, one big and the other small, joined together; 子母扣兒 a button, of which one half in male and the other female, a snap-button.26. 子囊 [zi3nang2], n., (bot.) a spore case.27. 子女 [zi2nU3], n., son and daughter.28. 子平 [zi3ping2], n., horoscopy, after the name of person (徐子平) who was well versed in the art.29. 子絃 [zi3xian2]1, n., very fine silk strings of musical instrument.30. 子癇 [zi3xian2]2, n., (med.) cramps during pregnancy.31. 子系 [zi3xi4]1, n., posterity, offspring.32. 子細 [zi3xi4]2, adj. & adv., (1) meticulous, paying attention to every detail; (2) careful, attentive (usu. wr. 仔細).33. 子姓 [zi3xing4], n., (AC) descendants, offspring (=子孫).34. 子息 [zi3xi2], n., (1) one's children; (2) profits from capital investment.35. 子書 [zi3shu1]1, n., works of anc. philosophers other than those of Confucius.36. 子數 [zi3shu1]2, n., (math.) the first term in a ratio (opp. 母數 the second term); the numerator of a fraction.37. 子時 [zi3shi2], n., period from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.38. 子實體 [zi3shi2ti3], n., (bot.) mycelium.39. 子虛 [zi3xU1], n., unreal, nonexistent things: 子虛烏有 pure imagination.40. 子婿 [zi3xU4], n., son-in-law, daughter's husband.41. 子孫 [zi3sun1] ([zi3sun1], n., children and grandchildern, descendants, offspring; 子孫桶 (euphem.) commode forming part of the bridal dowry.42. 子嗣 [zi3si4], n., one's children, descendants, offspring.43. 子午蓮 [zi2wu3lian2], n., (bot.) a kind of lotus which blossoms between midday and midnight; 子午痧 (Chin. med.) an acute disease accompanied by stomach-ache, vomiting, chills, perspiration, and thirst, usu, fatal within a few hours; 子午線 (astron.) the meridians; 子午儀 a transit instrument.44. 子藥 [zi3yao4], n., bullets and gunpowder.45. 子夜 [zi1ye4]1, n., midnight; 子夜歌 an anc. ballad or its later imitations.46. 子葉 [zi1ye4]2, n., (bot.) a cotyledon.47. 子胤 [zi3yin4], n., sons and daughters.48. 子音 [zi3yin1], n., (anc. phonetics) consonants (opp. 母音 vowels).子n.corn(小麦、燕麦等的)谷粒;(苹果等的)心子;(辣椒等的)子spawn(鱼、虾、蛙等一次产下的)卵,卵块,子;幼体,幼苗kernel(小麦、玉米等谷物的)颗粒,粒,子swift【纺】纱框; 子;绷架;(梳棉机等的)大滚筒,大锡林fils子,小辈(加于姓后,与父区别)子1. a son2. a person3. seed4. an egg5. a "suffix" for a small piece6. an unaccentuated "suffix" for commonly used one syllable nouns7. the first of the twelve Earthly Branches which the ancients used to denote years, months, and days in combination with the ten Heavenly Stems子children双向☞产物--子--菌丝双向☞辅助--副--子双向☞次--副--子双向☞下代--子子[zǐ]名1. son; child♦ 父与~ father and son♦ 他俩生有一~二女。 The couple have a son and two daughters.2. person♦ 男子 ♦ 女子 3. ancient title of respect for a learned or virtuous man♦ 先秦诸~ the pre-Qin philosophers4. 同〖子书〗5. seed♦ 结~儿 bear seed; go to seed♦ 这西瓜没~儿。 This melon is seedless.6. egg♦ 鱼子 7. sth. small and hard♦ 棋子 8. copper coin; copper♦ 一个~儿不值 not worth a copper♦ 一个~儿也没有 penniless9. viscount♦ 子爵 量(used for sth. long and thin)♦ 一~儿挂面 a bundle of fine dried noodles♦ 一~儿毛线 a hank of knitting wool代书 you♦ 以子之矛, 攻子之盾 形young; tender; small♦ 子鸡 |
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