

单词 威力
释义 威力1. power威力 wēilì1) power; might2) military force威力wēilìmightformidable power威力使人畏惧的力量might国家威力 national power军事威力 military might威力无穷 the power is infinite威力无比 the power is matchless有无比威力 have incomparable power无比巨大的威力 immeasurable power人民战士在抗灾斗争中发挥了特别显著的威力 the people's soldiers showed a great display of strength fighting against disaster具有摧毁作用的力量formidable force氢弹的威力比原子弹大。 The hydrogen bomb is more powerful than the atomic bomb.发挥巨大的威力 make full use of formidable power威力 wēi lì force; power; formidable force; might:  舆论的威力 the tremendous force of public opinion;  群众运动的威力 the power of the mass movement;  人民战争的威力 the might of people's war 威力 [wei1li4], n., political or military power.威力n.might力量;威力;能力force势力;威力;有影响的人(或事物)coercion压力,威力mightiness强大;有力量;威力威力1. might; power; force威力power; might♦ 舆论的~ the tremendous force of public opinion




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