

单词 姑息
释义 姑息1. appeasement2. to appease3. to spoil4. to be indulgent姑息 gūxīappease; indulge; tolerate; be over-lenient toward不能姑息他的缺点。 We must not be lenient toward his weaknesses.姑息gūxīexcessively tolerantto overindulge (sb)overly conciliatoryto seek appeasement at any price姑息to indulge姑息的态度 indulgent attitude在父母的姑息下 basking in one's parents' indulgence姑息缺点 tolerate problems对子女要严格要求,不能姑息。 One must make strict demands of one's children, and not indulge them.对敌人不可姑息 one cannot afford to indulge the enemy姑息 gū xī appease; indulge; attention; tolerate:  不应该姑息他的错误。 We shouldn't be indulgent towards his mistakes. 姑息管理 indulgent management; 姑息剂 palliative; alleviating medicine; anesthetic; anaesthetic; 姑息疗法 palliative treatment; alleviative treatment; 姑息手术 palliative operation; 姑息政策 appeasement policy姑息 [gu1xi2], v.t., (1) be too tolerant of, show excessive indulgence to: 姑息養奸 to be tolerant tends to breed traitors; (2) appease: 姑息政策 policy of appeasement; 姑息主義者 an appeaser.姑息n.appeasement平息;抚慰;缓解;姑息vt.appease绥靖,姑息姑息1. to over-tolerate; to appease姑息appease; indulge; tolerate♦ 不应该~他的错误。 We shouldn't be indulgent towards his mistakes.英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞AFFECTIONATE英華☞CARESS英華☞EXCUSE英華☞Codle英華☞GO




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