

单词 始终
释义 始终 shǐzhōng1) n. from beginning to end他始终没有来。 He did not come after all.2) adv. in any case; in the final analysis始终shǐzhōngfrom beginning to endall along始终throughout我始终信任他。 I always had faith in him.我始终没有去过。 I didn't go at any point.我始终不去。 I never go.这件事他始终不知道。 He had no knowledge of it throughout.那次会上他始终没发言。 He didn't say a word at any point during the meeting.我们要始终贯彻这一方针。 We must see this policy through.始终 shǐ zhōng from beginning to end; from start to finish; all along; throughout:  物价始终保持稳定。 Prices remain stable throughout.  宴会始终充满亲切友好的气氛。 The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end. 始终标记 sentinel林语堂当代汉英繁简☞始終始终ad.long始终;整个always永远,始终,一直ever总是;不断地;永远,始终evermore永远,始终n.guntz〈俚〉整个,全部;始终abovo〈拉〉自始,从一开始;一直,始终phr.and last彻头彻尾,始终,一贯all through一直,始终始终1. from beginning to end; from first to last; all the time; all along; throughout双向☞一直--始终双向☞始终--一直始终from beginning to end; from start to finish; all along; throughout♦ 会谈~在友好的气氛中进行。 The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.




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