calendar art
calendar art 挂历画;通俗画(日历上常见的粗俗美术) 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 calendar artn.① 日曆美術calendar art日历美术((商业日历上常采用的粗俗图画))calendar artn.(名詞 noun)年曆畫[照片]document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');
helminthosporium foveolatum
helminthosporium geniculatum tracy et earle
helminthosporium geniculatum tracy et earle; curvularia geniculataboedijn
helminthosporium geniculatum tracy et earle; curvularia geniculata(t.et e.)boedijn
helminthosporium gramineum rabengorst et schlecht.
helminthosporium gramineum rabengorst et schlecht.;pyrenophora graminea s. ito et kuribayashi
helminthosporium hordei bub'ak
helminthosporium ipomoeae
helminthosporium ischaemi
helminthosporium lablab
helminthosporium leaf spot
helminthosporium leaf spot of rice
helminthosporium leaf spot of rice; brown spot
helminthosporium machili
helminthosporium marantae
helminthosporium maydis nishikado et miyake
helminthosporium maydis nishikado et miyake;cochliobolus hetewstrophus drechsler
helminthosporium monoceras dreshsler
helminthosporium ocellum faris
helminthosporium ocellum faris--h. sacchari (breda de haan)butler
helminthosporium ocellum faris;h. sacchari (breda de haan)butler
helminthosporium ocellum faris;h. sacchari butler
helminthosporium oplismeni
helminthosporium oryzae
helminthosporium oryzae breda de haen
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更新时间:2025/3/20 17:51:04