

单词 如鲠在喉
释义 文馨英漢☞如鯁在喉如鲠在喉 rúgěngzàihóugive vent to one's pent-up feelings如鲠在喉rúgěngzàihóulit. as if having a fish bone stuck in one's throat (idiom)fig. very upset and needing to express one's displeasure如鲠在喉比喻有话憋在心里说不出来,很难受one has something one is bursting to say; as if one has a fishbone in one's throat有机蔬菜今天的如鲠在喉,是政府相关部门的利益作用使然。 That organic vegetables are bursting to speak today is down to the effect of the interests of relevant government departments.三联商社让国美如鲠在喉。 Sanlian Commercial has left Guomei bursting to say something.如鲠在喉 rú gěng zài hóu like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat -- necessary to give vent to one's pent-up feelings




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