释义 |
如痴如醉 rúchīrúzuìbe entranced with sth.如痴如醉rúchīrúzuìlit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom)fig. intoxicated by sthobsessed withmad about sth如痴如醉形容过于沉迷某物而不想出来intoxicated; like one is mad or drunk郎朗即席演奏了几首不同风格的钢琴曲,令人如痴如醉。 Langlang gave an intoxicating impromptu performance of several piano pieces in different styles.如痴如醉 rú chī rú zuì delude one to folly; be out of one's mind; lose one's mind如痴如醉1. fascinatedly2. to lose one's mind |