

单词 奴颜婢膝
释义 文馨英漢☞奴顏婢膝奴颜婢膝 núyánbìxīsubservient; servile奴颜婢膝núyánbìxīservile and bending the knee (idiom); fawningbending and scraping to curry favor奴颜婢膝subservient; slavish expression and bended knees奴颜婢膝 nú yán bì xī act obsequiously; a hateful flattering appearance; servile; bend one's knees before ...; bow low and sweep the ground with one's cap; bow and scrape like a slave; fawn in every way on ...; grovel in the dust; lick sb.'s boots (feet; shoes; spittle); make a great show of obedience and courtesy; sedulously fawn upon ...; servile flattery; subservient:  他们对外奴颜婢膝, 甘心卖国求荣。 They bow and scrape like slaves to the foreigners, willing to sell the country for their own selfish ends. 奴颜婢膝a.menial适于仆人的;奴颜婢膝的lackey奴颜婢膝的servile奴隶般的;奴颜婢膝的,卑躬屈膝的creepy-crawly奴颜婢膝的n.servility奴性;奴颜婢膝;屈从vi.grovel匍匐,趴;奴颜婢膝奴颜婢膝subservient; servile♦ 他们对外~, 甘心卖国求荣。 They bow and scrape like slaves to the foreigners, willing to sell the country for their own selfish ends.




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