单词 | 奇 |
释义 | 奇1. odd2. queer3. strange4. wonder5. odd lots6. to wonderABCABC★◀▶奇 jīsyn. 觭奇 qísyn. 觭奇jīodd (number)qístrangeoddweirdwonderfulsurprisinglyunusually奇 n. 参见:奇零[jīlíng]五十有奇 fifty odd adj. 单的;不成对的odd; unpaired奇偶 parity奇 qí 形 (罕见的; 特殊的; 非常的) strange; queer; rare; uncommon; unusual: 奇事 a strange affair; an unusual phenomenon; 一幅奇景 a rare fine view (出人意料的; 令人难测的) unexpected; unpredictable: 出奇制胜 win victory through unexpected moves 副 (惊异) surprise; wonder; astonish: 大为惊奇 be filled with amazement; 这是不足为奇的。 This is nothing to be surprised at. (十分; 很; 极) extremely: 奇冷 extremely (exceedingly) cold; 奇痛 unbearably painful 名 (姓氏) a surname: 奇晖 Qi Hui 另见 jī。 2) 奇 jī 形 (单的; 不成对的) odd (number): 奇数 odd number 名 (书) (零数) a fractional amount (over that mentioned in a round number); odd lots: 五十有奇 fifty odd 另见 qí。林语堂林语堂★◀▶奇奇 215C15 12.00 部居 畫數 8ㄑㄧˊ [qi2] (*ㄐㄧ [ji1] .).V.t.(LL) to consider as odd or interesting: 奇之 was struck by it.Adj.(1) Strange, unusual, remarkable: 奇怪 [qi2guai4]↓;oft. with 怪:奇形怪狀 strange sight, badly dressed appearance;奇裝異服 strange, unusual or exotic dress;希奇古怪 strange, odd;千奇百怪 many strange, unusual things;奇男子,奇女子 remarkable man, girl;奇士 a remarkable man;奇珍,奇寶 very rare and valuable objects;奇貨可居 waiting to sell s.t. valuable at a high price, set a high price and hold back;希奇 strange, rare;暗暗稱奇 silently admire s.t. rare;傳奇 a romance, (MC) short story or play.(2) Surprising, unexpected: 奇兵 a surprise military move;奇襲 surprise attack;奇謀,奇計 surprising move or stratagem;奇禍 unexpected disaster;奇辱,奇恥 terrible humiliation;奇說 strange talk or theory;奇事 unusual happening;奇逢 strange meeting of person;奇緣 [qi2yUan2]↓.(3) Enormous, marvellous: 奇觀,奇功 [qi2guan1], [qi2gong1]↓.(4) (*[ji1]) Odd in number: 奇偶,奇數,奇零 [qi2ou3], [qi2shu4], [qi2ling2]↓;奇日 on odd days (1, 3, 5, etc.).Adv.(LL) marvellously, extremely: 奇大 extremely huge;奇驗 (of medicine) marvellously effective;價錢奇貴 or 奇昂 prices are extremely high.Words1. 奇巧 [qi2qiao3], adj., clever (story, plot), cleverly made (jewelry, gadget.)2. 奇怪 [qi2guai4], adj., strange (phenomena, ideas): 奇奇怪怪 very strange, odd.3. 奇觀 [qi2guan1], n., an imposing, impressive sight (landscape, etc.).4. 奇功 [qi2gong1], n., distinguished service, outstanding achievement.5. 奇蹟 [qi2ji1], n., a miracle.6. 奇技 [qi2ji4], n., some rare skill (acrobatic, etc.).7. 奇 [qi2jUn4], adj., (of persons) rare, distinguished.8. 奇零 *[ji1ling2], adj. & n., odd lots, remainders.9. 奇門 [qi2men2], n., (Taoist magic) the art of becoming invisible (also called 遁甲).10. 奇妙 [qi2miao4], adj., wonderful, marvellous: 奇妙莫測 mysterious and hard to guess.11. 奇偶(耦) *[ji1ou3], phr., odd and even.12. 奇人 [qi2ren2], n., an eccentric fellow.13. 奇羨 *[ji1xian4], n., (LL) net gain.14. 奇數 *[ji1shu4], n., an odd number.15. 奇特 [qi2te4], adj., striking, unusual (story, event, conduct, etc.).16. 奇才 [qi2cai2], n., a remarkable talent (also wr. 材).17. 奇偉 [qi2wei3], adj., great and wonderful.18. 奇贏 *[ji1ying2], n., small gains.19. 奇緣 [qi2yUan2], n., strange encounters; a romance.20. 奇遇 [qi2yU4], n., a fortuitous, usu. lucky encounter.奇 [qi2jUn4], adj., (of persons) rare, distinguished.奇a.Odd【数】(函数等)奇的奇1. odd (numbers)\\qi\\ㄑㄧˊ\\1·unusual; strange2. a surprise; a wonder奇[jī]形odd (number)名书 a fractional amount (over that mentioned in a round number); odd lots♦ 五十有~ fifty odd另见 qí奇[qí]形1. strange; queer; rare♦ 希奇 2. remarkable; wonderful♦ 奇书 动be surprised; be astonished♦ 惊奇 副very; extremely♦ ~痒 itch terribly♦ ~ 痛 have a severe pain; be extremely painful另见 jī |
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