

单词 失真
释义 失真1. distortion2. to lack fidelity失真 shīzhēn1) v.o. lack fidelity; not be true to the original你这张相片有点(儿)失真。 This photo doesn't show the real you.2) n. distortion (in radio reception)失真shīzhēnto lack fidelity(signal) distortion失真to be unclear转述失真。 The report is unclear.录音机失真。 The recorder is unclear.失真 shī zhēn  {无} distortion; anamorphose:  频率失真 frequency distortion (跟原来的有出入) (of voice, images, etc.) lack fidelity; not be true to the original:  这张照片有点失真。 The picture isn't quite true to the original. 失真百分比 percent distortion; 失真变压器 distortion transformer; 失真波 distorted wave; wave of distortion; 失真拨号 distorted dialling; 失真波形 distorted waveform; 失真测量 distortion measurement; 失真电路 distortion circuit; 失真电桥 distortion bridge; 失真范围 distortion range; 失真放大器 distorting amplifier; 失真分析器 distortion analyzer; 失真计量 distortion measurement; 失真校正 distortion correction; 失真交变电流 distorted alternating current; 失真区 distorted region; 失真声 distorted sound; 失真衰减量 klirr-attenuation; 失真透镜 anamorphose lens; 失真图像 distorted image; fault image; scrambled image; 失真网络 distorting network; 失真误差 distortion; 失真系数 distortion factor; 失真消除 distortion elimination; 失真效应 distortion effect; 失真仪 anamorphoser; 失真因数 distortion factor; 失真噪声 distortion noise; 失真指示器 distortion indicator林语堂林语堂★◀▶失真 [shi1zhen1], v.i., (photograph, portrait) lose expression, not true to life.失真 (ofportrait, copy) not true to life or to original;失真a.anamorphic失真的,变形的faithless不可靠的,不能信赖的;失实的,失真的n.WOW(录音机等放音时因转速不正常而产生的)失真,颤动;(电视的)图像颤动distortion【物】失真,畸变infidelity(翻译或临摹的)不准确,不信实;失真,走样vt.distort使(波形、声音、信号等)畸变,使失真失真distortion双向☞卡住--失真--压紧双向☞变形--失真--应变双向☞变形--失真--畸变双向☞变形--畸变--扭曲双向☞失真--卡住--干扰双向☞歪曲--失真--畸变双向☞畸变--变形--失真双向☞畸变--失真--扭曲双向☞畸变--失真--曲解双向☞变形--失真双向☞失真--扭曲双向☞失真--有损双向☞畸变--失真失真1. (of voice, images, etc.) lack fidelity; not be true to the original2.无distortion♦ 频率~ frequency distortion




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