

单词 失口
释义 失口1. slip of the tongue失口 shīkǒumake a slip of the tongue失口shīkǒuslip of the tongueindiscretionto blurt out a secret失口参见:失言[shīyán]失口 shī kǒu a slip of the tongue:  我不想把他的名字告诉你, 只是一时失口而已。 I didn't mean to tell you his name; it was a slip of my tongue at that time. 失口 [shi1kou3], v.i., see [shi1yan2]↓.失口make a slip of the tongue♦ 我~冒犯了她。 I let slip some remark that offended her.英華英華★◀▶英華☞Fainting英華☞FAINT




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