

释义 失1. error2. failure3. loss4. to lose5. to miss6. to neglect失 shīI v.1) lose2) miss; let slipII b.f.1) neglect2) violate (失约)3) break (a promise); go back on (one's word) (失言)4) fail to get hold of (失手)5) get lost (失踪)6) mistake; mishap; defect (过失)失shīto loseto missto fail失 n. 错误mistake唯恐有失 worried about mistakes事情万一有失,如何是好。 If something were to happen, what should be done!? v. 参见:失掉没有把握住to miss失了唯一的机会 missed one's one and only opportunity改变常态to deviate发生意外to happen未达到目的to fail找不着to lose迷失方向 lose one's way违背to break失 shī 动 (失 掉; 失去) lose:  失而复得 lost and found;  因小失大 try to save a little only to lose a lot;  贪多必失。 Grasp all, lose all.  她失去了美貌。 She has lost her beauty. (错过) miss; let slip:  坐失良机 let slip a good opportunity; lose a good chance (没有达到目的) fail to achieve one's end:  大失所望 be greatly disappointed (改变) deviate from the normal:  失色 turn pale (违背;背弃) break (a promise); go back on (one's word):  失信 break one's promise (没有把握住) fail to get hold of:  失手 have a slip of the hand; drop accidentally; lose hold (of) (找不着) get lost:  迷失方向 lose one's bearings 名 (错误; 过失) mistake; defect; mishap:  唯恐有失 fear that there may be some mishap;  智者千虑, 必有一失 Even the wise are not always free from error.; One can't be too careful. 失失 230A05  12.81  部居  畫數 5ㄕ [shi1] N.(1)  Mistake, error: 過失 ditto.(2)  Failure, loss, opp. 得 success, gain: 一得一失 a gain here, a loss there;得失相抵 gains are offset by losses;萬無一失 guarantee complete success.V.i. & t.(1)  To lose (s.t.), to miss (chance): 失落 [shi1luo4]↓;遺失,丟失,失去 to lose (s.t.);失了 have lost;失物 [shi1wu4]1↓;失面子 lose face;失名譽 lose a good name;失和氣 spoil friendship;失禮貌 commit a breach of etiquette;失去聯絡 lose contact;失而復得 lost and found again;失之東隅,收之桑榆 what is lost in the morning is made up in the evening;交臂失之 to lose (opportunity or s.t.) close at hand;失之毫釐,謬以千里 a minimal error or deviation results in wide divergence;坐失良機 watch a golden chance slip by;see many compp.: 失傳,失名,失時,失業 [shi1chuan2], [shi1ming2]2, [shi1shi2]1, [shi1ye4], etc.↓.(2)  As verbal prefix, equal to Eng. “mis-”, “mal-” in “misdeed,” “malpractice”: see 失政,失言,失察 [shi1zheng4], [shi1yan2], [shi1cha2], etc.↓;or oft. equiv. “in-,” “im-”: as 失當,失宜 in appropriate, from 當 and 宜 appropriate.Words1. 失敗 [shi1bai4], v.i. & n., to fail (in attempt, experiment), be defeated; a failure: 成功與失敗 success and failure; 失敗者 one who has failed; 失敗主義 defeatism.2. 失察 [shi1cha2], v.i., to make mistake from oversight: 一時失察 a momentary oversight.3. 失常 [shi1chang2], adj., abnormal: 神經失常 mentally abnormal, unduly depressed (=反常, opp. 正常).4. 失氣 [shi1qi4], adj., frustrated, deeply disappointed, deflated.5. 失出 [shi1chu1], v.i., (law) to err in too light penalty or fail to give any penalty at all; cf .失入 [shi1ru4]↓.6. 失傳 [shi1chuan2], v.i., (of anc. art, book, mediacl formula) lost through the generations.7. 失寵 [shi1chong3], v.i., fall into disfavor.8. 失卻 [shi1qUe4], v.t., to lose (=失去,失了).9. 失當 [shi1dang4], adj. & adv., inappropriate: 處置失當 (affair) badly handled.10. 失單 [shi1dan1], n., list of lost property.11. 失盜 [shi1dao4], v.i., to be burglarized.12. 失德 [shi1de2], v.i., (1) to do s.t. very cruel or inhuman or reprehensible; (2) (Taoist) to lose original character of man: 失德然後義(老子)one talks of “righteousness” after losing original character of man.13. 失掉 [shi1diao4]1, v.t., to lose (=失去).14. 失調 [shi1diao4]2, adj., (1) (mus.) out of tune; (2) ([shi1tiao2]) upset, unbalanced: 飲食失調 have improper or unbalanced food.15. 失度 [shi1du4], adj. & adv., excessive, -ly, irregular, -ly, immoderate, -ly.16. 失和 [shi1he2], v.i., (two friends) quarrel, have differences of opinion.17. 失候 [shi1hou4], v.i., (1) (of food) suffer from faulty timing; (2) (court.) to be absent when s.o. calls (=失迎); (3) 失候起居 (court.) to fail to keep up correspondence.18. 失怙 [shi1hu4], v.i., to lose father (when young).19. 失火 [shi1huo3], v.i., to have fire accident, (house) catch fire.20. 失魂 [shi1hun2], phr., frightened or stricken (by sorrow), out of wits.21. 失著 [shi1zhao1], n., a wrong, mistaken step; bad move in chess.22. 失政 [shi1zheng4], n., misgovernment.23. 失真 [shi1zhen1], v.i., (photograph, portrait) lose expression, not true to life.24. 失機 [shi1ji1], v.i., to miss a chance or commit a vital mistake in mil. or other matters.25. 失檢 [shi1jian3], v.i., see [shi1cha2]↑.26. 失腳 [shi1jiao3], v.i., to slip on the ground.27. 失節 [shi1jie2], v.i., to lose integrity or chastity; be disloyal to ruler, country or husband.28. 失計 [shi1ji4], n., a mistaken move.29. 失敬 [shi1jing4], v.i., (court.) to fail in courtesy, etiquette.30. 失主 [shi1zhu3], n., the owner of lost property.31. 失職 [shi1zhi2], v.i., to be delinquent in duty.32. 失據 [shi1jU4], phr., (mil.) to lose base of support.33. 失口 [shi1kou3], v.i., see [shi1yan2]↓.34. 失戀 [shi1lian4], v.i., to be disappointed in love.35. 失利 [shi1li4], v.i., to be defeated; to lose in business.36. 失禮 [shi1li3], v.i., commit a breach of etiquette.37. 失落 [shi1luo4], v.t., to lose (opportunity, handkerchief, etc.).38. 失眠 [shi1mian2], v.i., suffer from insomnia.39. 失滅 [shi1mie4], v.i., (things) disappear, vanish; (fire) be extinguished; v.t., to lose (things).40. 失迷 [shi1mi2], v.i., be lost on the way.41. 失明 [shi1ming2]1, v.i., become blind.42. 失名 [shi1ming2]2, v.i., name unknown.43. 失黏 [shi1nian2], v.i., (LL) have mistakes in tones in a poem.44. 失陪 [shi1pei2], v.i., (court.) take leave: 我失陪了 excuse me (for leaving).45. 失人 [shi1ren2], v.i., fail to recognize a good man: 可與言而不與之言,失人 to fail to speak to one worth speaking to is to miss a good person.46. 失入 [shi1ru4], v.i., (law) to impose improper or improperly heavy penalty; cf. [shi1chu1]↑47. 失容 [shi1rong2], v.i., see [shi1se4]↓.48. 失散 [shi1san4], v.i., scatter, disperse.49. 失色 [shi1se4], v.i., to change countenance for fear, disgrace.50. 失閃 [shi1shan0], v.i., have a mishap.51. 失慎 [shi1shen4], v.i., (1) to make a slip, be careless; (2) (house) to catch fire.52. 失身 [shi1shen1], v.i., to lose virginity (with a man).53. 失聲 [shi1sheng1], v.i., (voice) caught: 失聲而哭 lose control and cry out loud.54. 失神 [shi1shen2], v.i., be inattentive in moments: 一失神就出錯誤 the slightest lack of attention results in errors.55. 失陷 [shi1xian4], v.i., (of towns, territory) be lost to the enemy.56. 失效 [shi1xiao4]1, v.i., become not valid; (med.) lose efficacy.57. 失笑 [shi1xiao4]2, v.i., break into laughter.58. 失信 [shi1xin4], v.i., to fail in promise.59. 失心瘋 [shi1xin1feng1], n., (MC) a mania, being out of one's mind; amnesia.60. 失修 [shi1xiu1], v.i., (1) make a mistake in conduct; (2) (of old structures) suffer from neglected repairs.61. 失手 [shi1shou3]1, v.i., make a slip of the hand (and drop s.t.).62. 失守 [shi1shou3]2, v.i., (of towns, territory) fall into enemy's hand.63. 失事 [shi1shi4]1, v.i., (1) to run into trouble, catastrophe (fire, accident, etc.); (2) to make a mistake in handling or management.64. 失恃 [shi1shi4]2, v.i., (AC, LL) to lose one's mother; cf. [shi1hu4]↑.65. 失勢 [shi1shi4]3, v.i., (1) to lose support; (2) to be in disgrace or out of power.66. 失時 [shi1shi2]1, v.i., to lose an opportunity offered by the times.67. 失實 [shi1shi2]2, v.i., (report) be inaccurate.68. 失學 [shi1xUe2], v.i., to be forced to drop out of school (from poverty).69. 失算 [shi1suan4], n., mistaken move or decision.70. 失態 [shi1tai4], adj., rude in behavior.71. 失策 [shi1ce4], v.i., make a wrong decision.72. 失措 [shi1cuo4], v.i., make a mistake, mismanage.73. 失辭 [shi1ci2], v.i., to use wrong or discourteous words.74. 失脫 [shi1tuo0], v.i., (article) be lost.75. 失蹤 [shi1zong1], v.i., (person) to disappear (“lose traces”).76. 失足 [shi1zu2], v.i., take a wrong step: 一失足成千古恨 a wrong step taken results in eternal regret.77. 失望 [shi1wang4], v.i., be disappointed: 令人失望 be disappointing.78. 失物 [shi1wu4]1, n., lost articles.79. 失誤 [shi1wu4]2, n., a mistake.80. 失言 [shi1yan2], v.i., to say s.t. which should not be said.81. 失業 [shi1ye4], v.i., be unemployed.82. 失意 [shi1yi4], adj., disappointed: 情場失意 disappointed in love.83. 失宜 [shi1yi2]1, adj., improper (conduct, speech).84. 失儀 [shi1yi2]2, v.i., see [shi1li3]↑.85. 失迎 [shi1ying2], v.i., (court.) fail in meeting when friend arrives or in hospitality.86. 失約 [shi1yUe1], v.i., (1) to fail to meet appointment; (2) to break promise.87. 失語症 [shi1yU3zheng4], n., loss of power of speech.失vt.miss失(约);缺(勤);缺(课);未出席yield【棒】失(分)bleed退(色),失(色)fumble(球戏中)失(球),漏接(球)muff(棒球等中)漏接(球),接(球)失误,失(球)失1. to lose2. a mistake; a fault3. to fail to失[shī]动1. lose♦ ~而复得 lost and found again♦ ~民心 lose the support of the people♦ 得大于~。 Gains outweigh losses.♦ 不要~了信心。 Don't lose confidence.2. miss; let slip♦ 良机莫~。 Don't let slip this good chance.3. not act according to; neglect; violate♦ 失信 ♦ 失敬 4. lose control of♦ 失手 ♦ 失禁 ♦ 失态 5. err; have a slip; be defective in♦ ~之于烦琐 have the defect of being too detailed名slip; mistake; defect; mishap♦ 惟恐有~ fear that there may be some mishap




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