

单词 夫妇
释义 文馨英漢☞夫婦夫妇 fūfùhusband and wife夫妇fūfùa (married) couplehusband and wifeCL:对[duì]夫妇husband and wife李家夫妇 Mr and Mrs Li伊凡诺夫夫妇 Mr and Mrs Ivanov夫妇俩 couple夫妇关系 conjugal relations结为夫妇 tied the knot夫妇 fū fù husband and wife; man and wife:  新婚夫妇 newly married couple; newlyweds 夫妇a.married婚姻的;夫妇的matrimonial婚姻的;夫妇的;婚礼的phr.one flesh(成为)一体;(结为)夫妇夫妇1. husband and wife; a couple夫妇husband and wife♦ 新婚~ a newly married couple; newlyweds




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