

释义 太1. tanto2. too3. trop4. term of respect used in titles太 tàiI adv.1) excessively; too2) extremely; veryII b.f.1) grand; supreme (太空)2) more/most senior (太夫人)太tàihighestgreatesttoo (much)veryextremely太 adj. 高;大tall; large极;最extremely身份最高的;辈分最高的senior; most senior in the generational hierarchy太老伯 great-uncle太老师 one's teacher's father adv. 过分too太天真 too naive质量太差。 The quality is too poor.水太烫。 The water is too hot.这可太糟了。 This is just awful.这孩子实在太聪明了。 This child is too clever!这太过分了! This is too much!这太奇怪了! This is too strange!这太不像话了。 This is outrageous!这家伙太滑头。 That guy is too sly.太无自知之明了。 This is a shameless lack of self-awareness.你太谦虚了。 You are too modest.他的话太多。 He talks too much.价钱太贵了。 It is too expensive.衣服穿得太脏了。 The clothes are too dirty.这太平常了,何必奇怪。 This is totally normal. Why the fuss?这太简单了,没有什么难的。 This is really simple; There is nothing tricky about it.你太客气了,我真过意不去。 You are too polite; I really don't deserve it.很very太好啦! Great!这办法太好了。 This method is great.她唱得太好了。 She sang wonderfully.他不太聪明。 He is not very clever.我太满意了。 I am totally satisfied.能见到你,我太高兴啦! I am delighted to see you!前面加“不”,表示委婉的否定used to soften a negation不太高兴 not very happy不太对头 not all that correct太 tài 形 (极高; 极大) highest; greatest; remotest:  太空 the firmament; outer space;  太湖 great lake (极; 最) extreme; most:  太古 remote antiquity (身分最高或辈分更高的) more or most senior; great-grand:  太老伯 grandfather; granduncle;  太老师 father of one's teacher or teacher of one's father;  太老爷 great-grandfather 副 (表示程度过分) too:  太过分 go too far;  讲话讲得太长 make too long a speech;  太糟糕了。 That's too bad.  他太兴奋,连话都说不出来了。 He was so excited that he could not speak.;He was too excited to speak.;He was so excited that words failed him. (表示程度极高) extremely; exceedingly; very:  太高兴了 extremely happy; very glad;  太激动人心了 exceedingly exciting;  太感谢你了。 Thanks a lot.; Thank you ever so much.  这着棋太妙了。 This is an extremely wise move. (用于否定, 很) very:  不太好 not very good; not good enough;  今天不太热。 It is not very hot today. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  太皓 Tai Hao 林语堂林语堂★◀▶太太 228B55  12.81  部居  畫數 4ㄊㄞˋ [tai4] Adj.Great, grand, used in many titles and addresses of elder generation, like Eng. “grandparent,” “Grand Master”, thus 太太,太祖 [tai4tai0], [tai4zu3], etc.↓;太子 [tai4zi3]↓;太上皇 [tai4shang4huang2]↓;太老爺 grandfather, formerly, address of magistrate (“Your Honor”);太老伯 great uncle;太師 [tai4shi1]↓.Adv.Too: 太好,太壞 too good, bad;太甚 too much;太不成話 (of action or speech) beyond all limits;太不像樣 too awful;太無禮 too rude, blunt.Words1. 太保 [tai4bao3], n., (1) formerly, Grand Tutor to crown prince; (2) juvenile delinquent (see [tai4mei4]↓).2. 太半 [tai4ban4], n., the greater half (=大半).3. 太初 [tai4chu1], n., the beginning of the world; 太初時候 primordial times; 太初物質 primordial matter.4. 太阿(泰阿) [tai4e1], n., famous sword: 太阿倒持 surrender power to subordinate (hold sword backward).5. 太夫人 [tai4fu1ren2], n., (court.) your mother.6. 太羹 [tai4geng1], n., (AC) soup offering in sacrifices.7. 太公 [tai4gong1], n., terms used variously for great-grandfather, grandfather, greatly esteemed elder.8. 太古 [tai4gu3], adj. & n., primordial (times).9. 太和 [tai4he2], n., grand harmony (of [yin1] and [yang1]).10. 太后 [tai4hou4], n., mother of emperor, empress dowager.11. 太監 [tai4jian1] ([tai4jian4]), n., eunuch.12. 太極拳 [tai4ji2qUan2], n., a kind of boxing or gymnastics, consisting of slow, circular movements with breath control.13. 太極圖 [tai4ji2tu2], n., diagram of cosmological scheme (Suhng Dyn.).14. 太空 [tai4kong1], n., outer space; 太空人 astronaut; 太空船 space ship; 太空時代 space age; 太空裝 fashion modelled after astronauts; 太空法 space law; 太空站 space stations; 太空總署 U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).15. 太牢 [tai4lao2], n., sacrifices consisting of ox, sheep and pig.16. 太妹 [tai4mei4], n., female juvenile delinquent (cf. [tai4bao1]↑).17. 太廟 [tai4miao4], n., Royal Ancestral Temple.18. 太平 [tai4ping2] ([tai4ping0]), n., peace, world peace; 太平洋 Pacific Ocean; 太平鼓 a kind of drum, used in spring outings; 太平門 fire exit in theaters; 太平梯 fire escape stairs; 太平花 a kind of fireworks; a flowering plant.19. 太波 [tai4po2], n., great-grand-mother.20. 太上皇 [tai4shang4huang2], n., retired father of emperor; a too powerful person, not the titular ruler.21. 太守 [tai4shou4], n., formerly, prefect.22. 太師 [tai4shi1], n., Grand Tutor; 太師椅 wooden lounge chair.23. 太虛 [tai4xU1], n., interstellar space.24. 太學 [tai4xUe2], n., formerly, imperial university.25. 太史 [tai4shi3], n., court historian; 太史公 reference to 司馬遷 [si1ma3qian1], author of 史記.26. 太歲 [tai4sui4], n., star god presiding over the year; star Jupiter: 太歲頭上動土 extreme folly of offending the powerful.27. 太太 [tai4tai0], n., Mrs.: 李太太,張太太, etc.; used without surname, servant's address of mistress of the house; 老太太 usu. mother of master or mistress, also old woman.28. 太祖 [tai4zu3], n., first founder of dynasty.29. 太子 [tai4zi3], n., crown prince.30. 太陽 [tai4yang0] ([tai4yang2]), n., the sun; 太陽系 solar system; (太)陽曆 Gregorian calendar; 太陽穴 the temples (of head); 太陽膏 headache ointment plastered over temples; 太陽燈 sun lamp; 太陽能電池板 solar panel (astron.); 太陽神 Apollo, also wr. 阿波羅.31. 太醫 [tai4yi1], n., imperial physician.32. 太乙 [tai4yi3], n., primordial unity of [yin1] and [yang1].33. 太陰 [tai4yin1], n., the moon; (太)陰曆 lunar calendar, commonly 陰曆.太太 [tai4tai0], n., Mrs.: 李太太,張太太, etc.; used without surname, servant's address of mistress of the house; 老太太 usu. mother of master or mistress, also old woman.太ad.over过分地,太too[用于形容词或副词前]太,过于phr.too by half〈口〉太…,过于…all too太only too太;到令人遗憾的地步over and above过于,太太1. (in expressing approval or compliments) very much or extremely2. too; excessively3. (in expressing relationship) two generations senior国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞兆--太太[tài]形1. highest; greatest♦ 太空 2. remotest♦ 太古 3. more or most senior♦ ~老伯 granduncle; great-uncle副1. excessively; too; over♦ 你车开得~快, 不安全。 You're driving too fast for safety.♦ 那~过分了。 That's going too far.♦ 这座城市人口~多。 The city is over-populated.2. (used to express admiration or exclamation with 了 at the end of the sentence)♦ 她的发音~好了。 Her pronunciation is excellent.♦ 长城~伟大了。 The Great Wall is really great.♦ 我~感激你了。 I feel very much indebted to you.3. (used before another adverb 不 to emphasize negation)♦ 这~不好了。 It's very bad.♦ 你~不虚心了。 You're being immodest.4. (used after 不 to soften the tone of negation)♦ 不~好 not very good♦ 这车看起来不~漂亮, 可就是快。 The car isn't much to look at, but it's fast.♦ 他不~愿意结交新朋友。 He's hesitant about making new friends.




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