

单词 天昏地暗
释义 天昏地暗1. dark all round2. in a state of chaos and darkness天昏地暗 tiānhūndì'àntotal darkness (lit./fig.)天昏地暗指飞沙漫天的景象a murky sky over a dark earth狂风大作,霎时间天昏地暗。 There was a fierce gale and it suddenly became dark all around.战场上打得天昏地暗。 The battlefield became dark all around from fighting.政治黑暗chaos and corruption旧社会是一个天昏地暗的世界。 The old society was a world of chaos and corruption.程度深to an extreme degree他哭得天昏地暗。 He cried his heart out.天昏地暗 tiān hūn dì àn (指景象) a murky sky over a dark earth; dark all round; gloomy above and dark below (政治腐败) in a state of chaos and darkness; total absence of justice:  天昏地暗,日月无光。 There is a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate.; There is gloom above and darkness below, with the rays of the sun and the moon completely shut out.;(The cold winds whirled up the yellow sands) veiling the earth and the sky in shadows and dulling the light of the sun and the moon. 天昏地暗it is dark, overcast, like night.天昏地暗n.lour天昏地暗,阴沉天昏地暗1. a murky sky over a dark earth2. dark all around; shrouded by gloom天昏地暗1. murky heavens over a dark earth; dark all round♦ ~, 日月无光。 There was gloom above and darkness below, with the rays of the sun and the moon completely shut out.2. in a state of chaos and darkness




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