释义 |
天府之国 TiānfǔzhīguóSichuan province天府之国Tiānfǔzhīguóland of plentyHeavenly province (epithet of Sichuan, esp. area around Chengdu)天府之国Nature's storehouse四川土地肥沃,物产丰富,素有“天府之国”的美称。 Sichuan province is a land of fertile soil and rich resources, so it is known as "Nature's storehouse".天府之国 tiān fǔ zhī guó (usually referring to Sichuan Province) the land of abundance; the land of plenty; Nature's storehouse林语堂当代汉英繁简☞天府之國天府之国1. the land of abundance; the land of plenty; a country with rich natural resources天府之国(usu. referring to Sichuan Province) Nature's storehouse—a land of abundance; a land of plenty |