单词 | 天 |
释义 | 天1. day2. God3. nature4. weather5. the sky6. the heaven天 tiānI n.1) sky; heaven今天天真好。 Today is a fine day.2) nature3) God; HeavenII m.day我来了三天了。 I have been here for three days.III b.f.1) overhead (天桥)2) season3) weather (天气)天tiāndayskyheaven天 n. 参见:天空[tiānkōng]抬头望天 raise one's head to the sky天朗气清 clear and bright天阴下来了。 The sky became overcast.天上阴云密布。 The sky is overcast with clouds.我天黑以前就走到了。 I got there before it got dark.蓝蓝的天上白云飘。 There are white clouds drifting in the blue sky.这时天上没有月亮,很黑。 There is no moonlight now. The sky is very dark.两种社会两重天 two societies, two entirely different worlds位于顶部的,凌空架设的overhead一昼夜;白天day; daytime第二天 second day过几天 after a few days一天一天地 day by day他忙了一天。 He had a busy day.一天有二十四小时。 There are twenty-four hours in a day.时间a period of time in a day天还早呢。 It's still early.天快黑了 it is getting dark季节season冷天 cold season春天 spring三伏天 dog days天气weather天冷 have cold weather天热 have hot weather天阴 have cloudy weather天晴 have clear skies天旱 have a drought天干燥 have dry weather自然nature天然的,天生的natural指自然界的主宰者God对天立誓 swear to God指神佛仙人的居住地Heaven指赖于生存的事物<书>necessities of life民以食为天。 Food is the basic need of man.天 tiān 名 (天空) sky; heaven: 露天 under the open sky; in the open; 在蓝天中翱翔 sail the blue heavens (一昼夜; 白天) day: 过两天 in two or three days; 前几天 a few days ago; 三天三夜 three days and three nights; 忙了一天 have had a busy day; have done a good day's work; 夏天天长夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short. (一天里的某一段时间) a period of time in a day: 五更天 around four in the morning; at dawn; 天儿还早呢。 It's still early. (季节) season: 夏天 summer; 黄梅天 the rainy season (天气) weather: 阴天 overcast; cloudy day; 雨天 wet weather; 一边日出一边雨, 晴雨无常四月天。 April weather, rain and shine both together. (自然) nature: 战天斗地 combat nature; conquer nature; 人定胜天。 Man will conquer nature. (迷信者指自然界的主宰者; 造物) God; Heaven: 天哪! Good Heavens! 天知道! God knows! 谢天谢地! Thank Heaven! 我的天! O God! (迷信者指神佛仙人的处所) Heaven: 上西天 go to Heaven; die (姓氏) a surname: 天高 Tian Gao 形 (位置在顶部的; 凌空架设的) overhead: 天棚 ceiling; 天窗 skylight; 天桥 overline bridge; platform bridge (天然的; 天生的) natural; innate: 天性 natural instincts; 天灾 natural calamity 林语堂林语堂★◀▶天天 473C50 31.81 部居 畫數 4ㄊㄧㄢ [tian1] N.(1) The sky, heaven: 天空 the sky, aerial space;天下 [tian1xia4]↓;天上 in the sky above;天底下 all under heaven, the world over;天大的事情 a tremendous event;天無二日 only one supreme ruler, as “there is only one sun in heaven”;天字第一號 “A-1,” the very best;oft. coupled with 地 (the earth) in phrr.: 天地 [tian1di4]1↓;天長地久 as long as the heaven and earth endure;天公地道 the most natural and fair arrangement;天翻地覆 turned completely upside down (of disasters, confusion);天南地北, 天懸地隔 (of friends) separated far apart;不識天高地厚 (of child) do not know what is what;天崩地裂 natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides;天網恢恢 God's justice is inescapable;天羅地網 (of Taoist demons’ magic) an invisible net preventing all escape;天聾地啞 completely unmindful of anything, like one deaf and dumb.(2) Nature, what is given by nature, esp. 天然 see [tian1ran2]↓: 天資,天賦,天成,天性 [tian1zi1]2, [tian1fu4]2, [tian1cheng2], [tian1xing4]2↓;天年 man's natural span of life;天造地設 (of natural scenery) made by nature;天作之合 (marriage) made in heaven;天衣無縫 (of art, master piece in fiction) completely natural, without artifice;天經地義 what is most appropriate, ordained in nature (moral obligations, eternal priciples, etc.);聽由天命 resign to one’s fate or God's will, be fatalistic;靠天吃飯 have no regular income, live by what one can find.(3) God, the supreme ruler, the celestial spirits: 天老爺 Father Heaven;皇天后土 (prayer to) Ye Gods! heavenly father and mother earth;天堂,天國 [tian1tang2], [tian1guo2]↓;天怒人怨 the gods are angry and the people resentful;怨天尤人 blame everybody but oneself;無法無天 completely lawless and Godless, licentious;天不怕,地不怕 fear neither God nor men;天之驕子 “the chosen of God,” an unusually blessed or lucky person, God's favored one, (a tint of sarcasm in Chin. usage.);used coll. like Eng. “God”: 天啊,天哪 O God! good heavens! 我的天 oh, my God! 老天爺 oh, God! 天曉得 God knows (nobody knows);天可憐見 how pitiful! 天誅地滅 may the gods strike (him) down!(4) A day: 今天,明天,昨天 today, tomorrow, yesterday;過兩天 in two or three days;前幾天 a few days ago;每天 everyday;成天,一天到晚 all day;大白天 in broad daylight.(5) Season, weather: 春天,夏天,秋天,冬天 spring, summer, autumn, winter;三伏天 hottest summer days;黃梅天 rainy season in spring;晴天 clear day, 天晴了 it is clear now;天朗氣清 it is clear and dry;雨天,陰天 rainy, cloudy day;熱天,大熱天 hot, very hot day;天熱了 it has become hot;天冷了 it has become cold;天變了,變天了 the weather has changed;天亮了 it is dawn;五更天 at early dawn;天明 early dawn, daybreak;天黑 at dusk, twilight;天昏地暗 it is dark, overcast, like night.(6) N. & adj., emperor, imperial, of the emperor: 天子 the Son of Heaven, Emperor;天朝 the Celestial Court (formerly, used in communication with foreign countries);天恩 the emperor's grace;天顏 His Imperial presence;天闕 imperial court.(7) The most important thing in life: 民以食為天 food is next to God for the people;王者以民為天 a king's life depends upon the people.(8) Husband: 失其所天 lost her husband.Words1. 天表 [tian1biao3], n., beyond heaven, beyond the skies.2. 天變 [tian1bian4], n., natural calamities; change of weather: 天變了 it's going to rain.3. 天邊(兒) [tian1bian1] ([er0]), n., beyond the horizon: 天邊海角 far beyond, in distant places.4. 天稟 [tian1bing3], n., native endowments.5. 天兵 [tian1bing1], n., (1) (Taoist) celestial troops; (2) formerly, imperial troops.6. 天產 [tian1chan3], n., local product, land product.7. 天朝 [tian1chao3], n., imperial court.8. 天成 [tian1cheng2], adj., natural, springing from nature: 天成佳偶 a good match as if made in heaven; 文章本天成 good writing is completely like nature.9. 天譴 [tian1qian3], adj., God's punishment.10. 天塹 [tian1qian4], n., natural barrier for defense (such as wide river).11. 天橋 [tian1qiao2], n., (1) overpass at railways; (2) anc. scaffolding for attacking city walls.12. 天氣 [tian1qi4], n., the day's weather.13. 天青 [tian1qing1], n., (of brocades, etc.) dark wine color.14. 天窗 [tian1chuang1], n., skylight: 打開天窗說亮話 to be quite frank.15. 天趣 [tian1qU4], n., beauty of natural objects or phenomena.16. 天衢 [tian1qU2], n., formerly, busy thoroughfares of the capital.17. 天道 [tian1dao4], n., God’s way, divine order of things, spiritual principles: 天道好還 God's way goes in a cycle; (dial.) the weather.18. 天地 [tian1di4]1, n., (1) heaven and earth, the universe, the world: 天地間 in the whole world; 小天地 a little world in itself; 兒童天地 the child's world; 別有天地 a different world, a utopia; (2) the upper and lower margins of a scroll.19. 天帝 [tian1di4]2, n., Celestial Ruler (appellation of Taoist gods).20. 天定 [tian1ding4], adj., predetermined, predestined.21. 天底下 [tian1di3xia4], phr., under the sun; in the world.22. 天鵝 [tian1e2], n., the swan.23. 天方夜譚 [tian1fang1ye4tan2], n., Arabian Nights.24. 天分 [tian1fen4] ([tian1fen0]), n., born gifts, talent; 天分甚高 has high intelligence.25. 天父 [tian1fu4]1, n., (Christ.) God the Father.26. 天賦 [tian1fu4]2, n., natural gifts.27. 天府 [tian1fu3], n., self-sufficient region, with natural defense against invaders: 天府之國 a country with rich natural resource--a name given to 四川.28. 天干 [tian1gan1], n., the decimal cycle, 甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸, used as serial number like A, B, C, D--see Appendix A.29. 天光 [tian1guang1], n., daylight.30. 天癸 [tian1gui3], n., menstruation.31. 天工 [tian1gong1]1, n., nature's work, said in praise of great art: 巧奪天工 it rivals nature.32. 天宮 [tian1gong1]2, n., heavenly abode of the gods.33. 天國 [tian1guo2], n., (Christ.) the Kingdom of Heaven.34. 天鼓 [tian1gu3], n., (rare, LL) thunder.35. 天河 [tian1he2], n., the Milky Way (also called 銀河,天漢).36. 天花 [tian1hua1], n., (1) smallpox; (2) (Budd.) flowers dropped from the sky; 天花亂墜 said of extravagant talk; 天花板 ceiling.37. 天潢 [tian1huang2], n., (LL) royal descendants.38. 天火 [tian1huo3], n., fire from heaven, said of houses stuck by lightning.39. 天真 [tian1zhen1], adj., innocent, nae, frank, gen. showing traits of children: 你太天真了 you are too nae, believe too much in people's words.40. 天機 [tian1ji1], n., hidden plans of providence: 不可洩漏天機 (a seer) may not reveal what is coming or decree of God; the secret springs of nature, such as divine inspiration.41. 天戒 [tian1jie4], n., born teetotaler.42. 天井 [tian1jing3], n., courtyard, a small yard; air shaft.43. 天津 [tian1jin1], n., Tientsin, a port city.44. 天九 [tian1jiu3], n., game of dominoes.45. 天竺 [tian1zhu2], n., anc. term for India.46. 天竺桂 [tian1zhu2gui4], n., a kind of cinnamon, Cinnamonum pedunculatum.47. 天主 [tian1zhu3], n., Catholic term for God: 天主教 Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; 天主(教)堂 cathedral.48. 天職 [tian1zhi2], n., man’s natural duty: 國民的天職 a citizen's natural duty.49. 天空 [tian1kong1], n., the sky, outer space.50. 天籟 [tian1lai4], n., sounds of nature (whistlig of winds, etc.).51. 天藍 [tian1lan2], n., pale blue, skyblue.52. 天良 [tian1liang2], n., conscience.53. 天理 [tian1li3], n., Nature’s law: 天理昭彰 God's law is manifest, i.e., evil is punished; n., 天理不容 intolerable, injustice; 沒有天理 unscrupulous, lawless, a law to oneself, unreasonable.54. 天靈蓋 [tian1ling2gai4], n., the crown of the head.55. 天祿 [tian1lu4], n., (1) a fabulous creature in anc. sculptures; (2) anc. idea of official rank in heaven.56. 天倫 [tian1lun2], n., the natural bonds and relationships of men, esp. the bonds of family: 天倫之樂 the happiness of family reunion, happy home.57. 天門冬 [tian1men2dong1], n., (bot.) Asparagus lucidus.58. 天命 [tian1ming4], n., fate, destiny, God's will: 受天之命 divine mandate, a king rules by the grace of God.59. 天幕 [tian1mu4], n., awning over open space; painted backdrop of stage, indicating open space.60. 天南星 [tian1nan2xing1], n., (bot.) jack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema serratum.61. 天牛 [tian1niu2], n., a class of beetles with very long feelers, Apriona rugicollis.62. 天瘡 [tian1pao4chuang1], n., (med.) pemphigus, an infection with blisters on skin.63. 天棚 [tian1peng2], n., awning of cloth or bamboo.64. 天平 [tian1](')[ping2], n., weighing scales.65. 天壤 [tian1rang3], n.,as in 天壤之別 wide difference (as distance between the sky and the earth).66. 天然 [tian1ran2], adj. & adv., natural, not artificial; naturally, of course.67. 天人 [tian1ren2], n., (1) nature and man: 天人合一 theory that man is integral part of nature; (2) a celestial being, an extraordinary beauty.68. 天日 [tian1ri4], n., daylight; 重見天日 release after imprisonment or great injustice; 不見天日 living in darkness or dark oppression.69. 天色 [tian1se4], n., time of the day, as judged by color of sky: 天色已晚 it is getting dark.70. 天生 [tian1sheng1], adj., born: 天生才子 born great artist, a genius.71. 天神 [tian1shen2], n., celestial spirit.72. 天險 [tian1xian3], n., natural defense, such as high mountains, cliffs, etc.73. 天下 [tian1xia4], n., the world: 今日的天下 the world today; 天下的人 all people in the world; anciently used to denote China.74. 天線 [tian1xian4], n., antenna.75. 天象 [tian1xiang4], n., natural phenomena, esp. in the skies; the heavenly bodies.76. 天仙 [tian1xian1], n., fairy: 美若天仙 beautiful like a fairy; n., 天仙果 [tian1xian1guo3], n., (bot.) a kind of fig, Ficus erecta.77. 天香 [tian1xiang1], n., as in 國色天香 woman of great beauty; n., 天香百合 [tian1xiang1bai2he2], n., (bot.) gold band lily, Lilium auratum.78. 天幸 [tian1xing4]1, n., rare luck.79. 天性 [tian1xing4]2, n., human nature, disposition (of wolves, foxes, villains, heroes, etc.).80. 天書 [tian1shu1], n., (1) Taoist writings; (2) imperial edict.81. 天數 [tian1shu4], n., predestination.82. 天師 [tian1shi1], n., Taoist master.83. 天時 [tian1shi2], n., weather.84. 天使 [tian1shi3], n., angel.85. 天算 [tian1suan4], n., short for 天文算術 astronomy and mathematics.86. 天堂 [tian1tang2], n., heaven in religious sense.87. 天條 [tian1tiao2], n., the laws of God in heaven.88. 天體 [tian1ti3], n., (1)heavenly body; (2) the nude: 天體運動 nudist movement; 天體營 nudist colony.89. 天庭 [tian1ting2], n., (1) the forehead: 天庭飽滿 a full forehead; n., (2) anc., the imperial court.90. 天才 [tian1cai2], n., (1) natural talent, aptitude; (2) genius, very brilliant person.91. 天蠶 [tian1can2], n., a wild species of silkworm.92. 天曹 [tian1cao2], n., celestial officials.93. 天災 [tian1zai1], n., natural calamity; act of God.94. 天擇 [tian1ze2], n., natural selection in evolution: 物競天擇 survival of the fittest in natural selection.95. 天縱 [tian1zong4], adj., as in 天縱之才 heroes, sages, especially gifted leaders of men.96. 天尊 [tian1zun1], n., (Taoism) god, spirit.97. 天足 [tian1zu2], n., unbound, “natural” feet.98. 天姿 [tian1zi1]1, n., beauty of looks.99. 天資 [tian1zi1]2, n., person's natural endowment or intelligence (high, low).100. 天子 [tian1zi3], n., “the Son of Heaven,” designation of emperor.101. 天王星 [tian1wang2xing1], n., (astron.) Uranus.102. 天文 [tian1wen2], n., science of astronomy; n., 天文鏡 [tian1wen2jing4], n., telescope; n., 天文臺 [tian1wen2tai2], n., astronomical observatory.103. 天演 [tian1yan3], n., theory of evolution.104. 天閹 [tian1yan1], n., naturally impotent person.105. 天涯 [tian1ya2], n., the limits of the earth: 天涯海角 the four corners of the earth.106. 天意 [tian1yi4], n., god's will.107. 天淵 [tian1yUan1], n., as in 天淵之別 great difference, as the sky is separated from ocean depths, see [tian1rang3]↑.108. 天元 [tian1yUan2]1, n., anc. Chin. algebra.109. 天緣 [tian1yUan2]2, n., predestined friendship or marriage; predestination.110. 天宇 [tian1yU3], n., the sky; the whole world; the capital of country.天瘡 [tian1pao4chuang1], n., (med.) pemphigus, an infection with blisters on skin.天a.uranic天的;天空的;天文(学)的celestial天的,天空的,天上的Uranian天的;天空的;天上的n.day天,一昼夜(24小时),民用日;【天】日;恒星日;太阳日sky[亦作 skies]天,天空;苍穹heaven〈诗〉[常作 heavens]天,天空sphere〈诗〉天,天空firmament〈诗〉〈书〉天,天空,苍穹Olympus天;天堂,天国deva[亦作 D-] (印度教、佛教用语)天,提婆天1. the sky; the heaven2. overhead3. a day4. the time5. a season6. the weather7. nature8. fate; destiny天day双向☞天--白天--日光双向☞日--天天[tiān]名1. the sky; the heavens♦ 明朗的~ a clear sky♦ 太阳一出满~红。 The sky is aglow with the rising sun.2. day♦ 每~ every day♦ 开学第二~ on the second day of the new term♦ 夏天~长夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short.3. a period of time in a day♦ 五更~ around four in the morning♦ ~不早啦。 It's getting late.4. season♦ 冷~ the cold season; cold days5. weather♦ 下雨~ wet (or rainy) weather♦ ~越来越冷了。 It's getting colder and colder.♦ ~晴了, 咱们走吧。 It's cleared up now. Let's go.6. nature♦ 人定胜天 7. God; Heaven♦ ~知道!God knows!♦ ~哪!Good Heavens!形1. natural; inborn; innate♦ 天性 2. overhead♦ 天桥 |
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