

单词 大小
释义 大小1. admeasurement2. bulk3. measure4. size大小 dàxiǎo1) size2) adults and children3) degree of seniority4) wife and concubine大小dàxiǎodimensionmagnitudesizemeasurementlarge and smallat any rateadults and childrenconsideration of seniority大小大小的程度size容积的大小 volume直径的大小 diameter口径的大小 bore size皮鞋的大小 shoe size房间的大小 size of a room大小不合适。 The size isn't right.大小和房子差不多。 It's about as big as a house.教室大小一样。 The classrooms are of identical size.他的个子和我一般大小。 He is the same height as I am.国家不论大小,应该一律平等。 Countries should all be equal, no matter how big or small they are.辈分的高低;指不敬长辈seniority; no respect for one's elders不分大小 regardless of seniority说话没大没小的 talk with no respect for one's elders大人小孩adults and children全家大小 the whole family这样的式样大大小小都喜欢。 Both adults and children love this style.或大或小at the very least他在我们这儿大小是个领导。 Here, he is a leader at the very least.大的和小的big and small这条街上大小商店有几十家。 There are several dozen shops on this street, both large and small.大小 dà xiǎo (程度大小) big or small:  大小高等院校12所 twelve colleges of varying sizes;  国家不论大小, 应该一律平等。 All countries, big or small, should be equal. (辈分高低) degree of seniority:  说话没个大小 speak impolitely to elderly people (大人和孩子) adults and children:  全家大小三口。 There are three people in the family altogether. (尺寸、规模、 面积等的大小) size; dimension; bulk; admeasurement; volume; scale; magnitude:  它的大小和火鸡一样。 It is equal in size to a turkey.  这双鞋我穿大小正合适。 These shoes are just my size. 大小 [da4xiao3], n., size (of hat, shoes, etc.): 一般大小 of the same size.大小n.level数量;大小size(尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大小;(数量等的)多少;体重measure(量得的)尺寸,大小,分量scale大小;规模;范围(尤指牲畜的)重量;大小Mass体积,大小measurement(量得的)尺寸,大小;长(或宽、深)度;面积;容积extent广度;长度;宽度;大小;分量dimension[常作 dimensions] 面积,大小;规模;程度proportion[proportions] 面积;容积;体积;大小;程度;范围gauge大小,程度;范围;容量magnitude量,量值;大小;数量;长度;强度;音量girth大小;尺寸admeasurement大小,尺寸phr.order of magnitude大小;数量大小1. a size (of dresses, shoes, etc.); proportions; dimensions; magnitude2. degree of seniority3. old and young; adults and children大小size双向☞测径器--卡钳量规--尺寸双向☞卡规 --口径--测径器双向☞因次--维[度]--大小双向☞量级--量数值-- 大小双向☞大小--胶料--度分双向☞尺寸--因次--大小双向☞尺寸--胶料--大小双向☞尺寸--规模--大小双向☞星等--规模--大小双向☞量级--规模--大小双向☞因次--大小--维双向☞大小--值--幅度双向☞大小--尺度--度双向☞大小--数量--量双向☞数量--量--量级双向☞量--大小--光度双向☞--大小--尺度双向☞值--量级--量双向☞维--因次--度双向☞规模--量级--双向☞--大小--量双向☞大小--尺寸双向☞尺寸--大小大小1. big or small♦ ~水库十座 ten reservoirs of varying sizes♦ 国家不论~, 应该一律平等。 All countries, big or small, should be equal.2. size♦ 这双鞋我穿上~正合适。 These shoes are just my size.3. degree of seniority♦ 说话没个~ speak impolitely to elderly people4. adults and children♦ 全家~五口。 There are five people in the family altogether.♦ ~平安。 All's well in the family.英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Abmessung、Grösse英華☞DISPROPORTION英華☞Dimensions英華☞DIMENSION英華☞HEAVINESS英華☞ASSIZE英華☞EXTENT英華☞Format英華☞Grösse英華☞GREAT英華☞BULK




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