

单词 blows
释义 文馨英漢☞blew新世纪英汉大☞blowblows招Words17. 招架 [zhao1jia4], v.i., (1) to parry a blow, come out and offer combat: 招架不住 cannot sustain the blows; (2) receive guests, see [zhao1dai4], (2)↑; (3) (MC) to confess, (see [zhao1ren4]↓): 他若欺心不架時 if he is dishonest and will not admit.…掊V.t.(1)  To attack physically: 掊擊 give blows, attack physically or verbally.抓V.t.抓破臉兒 (coll.) openly break relations (lit., “scratch face till it bleeds” or “come to blows”);搥V.t.搥打 to buffer or pommel (person), lay on blows;棒Words4. 棒瘡 [bang4chuang1], n., wounds, marks from blows.轉V.i. & t.隨風轉舵 change course of action according to the wind--“see which way the wind blows.”拳N.拳來腳去 give tit for tat, exchange blows;甚Words4. 甚而 [shen4er2], adv., even, go so far as to: 甚而打起來 even came to blows.遭V.t.Meet with, come across: 遭受(打擊)suffer (blows);膚N.不膚撓 (AC) do not flinch from blows.墻Words4. 墻頭 [qiang2tou2], n., top of wall, (flowers, etc.) over the wall; 墻頭草 (fig.) fence rider, a man without opinions of his own, one who “sees how the wind blows.”比Words6. 比畫 [bi3hua4], v.i., (1) make hand gestures; (2) make boxing gestures for warming up; (3) come to blows: 兩人說著說著比畫起來.帶V.t.連踢帶打 mix kicks with hand blows;頭N.看風頭 watch how the wind blows;飄V.i.風飄葉落 the wind blows and the leaves fall to the ground.吹V.i. & t.(1)  To blow: 風吹雨打 the wind blows and the rain beats down;晦N.(2)  A dark night: 風雨如晦 (AC) it blows and rains like a dark night;風N.風吹草動 grass bends as wind blows -- influence, also state of restlessness, sensitive to slight upsets;避V.i & t.Avoid, seek shelter, disappear from view, seek safety: 暫避一避 lie low for a moment until furor blows over;方Words34. 方向 [fang1xiang0], n., direction: 迷失方向 lost bearings; 看方向做事 see which way the wind blows.架V.i. & t.招架 ward off (blows).詞目:Blows 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Blows1come to Blows動手相打2give him 30 Blows打他三十下3and curses Blows打罵4to conquer by Blows打得過p 43 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆




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