

单词 大军
释义 大军 dàjūn1) main forces; army2) great concentration of troops; large contingent大军dàjūnarmymain forces大军大部队principal army数百万大军 army of several million大军压境。 The army is bearing down in force.从事某种工作的大批人large contingent劳动大军 large contingent of workers浩浩荡荡的产业工人大军 vast and mighty contingent of industrial workers大军 dà jūn (主力部队) main forces; (huge) army:  大军过处, 秋毫无犯。 Wherever the troops went, they never infringed on the people's interests.  我们是先头部队,大军随后就到。 We are the advance detachment. The main forces will be here soon. (人数众多) large contingent:  百万大军 an army a million strong;  筑路大军 a large contingent of road builders 大军phr.Grande Armée〈法〉大军(尤指拿破仑于 年组成的以及 年远征的军队)大军1. the whole army; a great army; a large army; a vast army2. the main forces大军1. main forces; army♦ 我们是先头部队, ~随后就到。 We are the advance detachment. The main forces will be here soon.2. large contingent♦ 筑路~ a large contingent of road builders♦ 百万~ an army a million strong




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