

释义 夜1. night夜 yènight; evening夜深了。 The evening has gotten late.夜yèvariant of 夜[yè]yènight夜 n. 从天黑到天亮的一段时间night深夜 dead of night黑夜 dark night白天黑夜 day and night三天三夜 three days and three nights半夜 midnight午夜 midnight除夕夜 Chinese New Year's Eve彻夜 throughout the night每夜 every night一夜之间 in one night过夜 stay overnight熬夜 stay up all night冬天昼短夜长。 In winter days are short and nights are long.夜深了。 It's late at night.昨夜下过雨。 It rained last night. v. 入夜<方>to become dark天快夜了。 It will be dark soon.夜 yè 名 (从天黑到天亮的一段时间) night; nighttime; evening:  一个寒冷的冬夜 one cold wintry night (winter evening);  在新婚之夜 on the bridal evening;  冬天昼短夜长。 In winter the days are short and the nights long.  三天三夜讲不完。 It would take days to tell it all.  他一夜又一夜地外出喝酒。 He goes out drinking night after night.  他在我们家里住了3夜。 He stayed three nights with us.  夜已经很深了。 The night has grown old.  夜在逐渐消逝。 The night wears on. (姓氏) a surname:  夜龙 Ye Long 林语堂林语堂★◀▶夜夜 833C05  60.83  部居  畫數 8ㄧㄝˋ [ye4] N.Night: 日夜,晝夜 day and night;一夜 one night, also whole night;整夜,盡夜,終夜 whole night;夜半,半夜 midnight;巡夜,守夜 keep night patrol;熬夜 work or keep awake all night;坐夜 sit up all night;長夜 long night;月夜 moonlight night;黑夜 dark night;夜長夢多 (fig.) prospect is dark and dreary;夜深人靜 in the dead of night;夜闌 the night is far spent;夜未央 it is not dawn yet.Adj. & adv.Nocturnal, in the night, by night: 夜行 travel or roam about by night;夜航 sail, fly in the night;夜景 night view;夜飯 supper, midnight supper;夜場 evening show (of cinema, etc.);夜襲 night attack;夜班 night duty, night class.Words1. 夜半 [ye4ban4], adv., midnight.2. 夜叉 [ye4cha0], n., (Sanskr. yaksha) demons that fly by night, (fig.) a very ugly person (also 母夜叉 a shrew).3. 夜車 [ye4che1], n., night train.4. 夜氣 [ye4qi4], phr., (AC) the spirit of well-being after a good night's rest.5. 夜勤 [ye4qin2], n., night duty.6. 夜度娘 [ye4du4niang2], n., (MC) prostitute; 夜度資 n., prostitute's fees for a night.7. 夜分 [ye4fen1], adv., midnight.8. 夜光錶 [ye4guang1biao3], n., luminescent watch.9. 夜合 [ye4he2], n., (bot.) (1) mimosa; (2) Polygonum multiflorum (also called 何首烏).10. 夜活 [ye4huo2], n., night work.11. 夜壺 [ye4hu2], n., chamber pot.12. 夜間 [ye4jian1], adv., during the night.13. 夜禁 [ye4jin4], n., curfew.14. 夜淨兒 [ye4jing0er0], n., chamber pot.15. 夜中 [ye4zhong1], adv., in the night.16. 夜課 [ye4ke4], n., evening class, homework.17. 夜來 [ye4lai2], adv., during the night.18. 夜來香 [ye4lai2xiang1], n., (bot.) tuberose.19. 夜郎 [ye4lang2], n., (AC, LL) a small kingdom in southwest China: 夜郎自大 (allu.) [ye4lang2] people think their country is bigger than China--ignorant boastfulness.20. 夜裡(頭) [ye4li0] ([tou0]) adv., in the night, at night.21. 夜裡個 [ye4li1ge0] ([ye4er0ge0]) n., last night.22. 夜漏 [ye4lou4], n., nighttime (漏 sand clock).23. 夜盲症 [ye4mang2zheng4], n., night blindness.24. 夜貓子 [ye4mao0zi0], n., night owl, nighthawk.25. 夜明珠 [ye4ming2zhu1], n., luminescent pearl.26. 夜尿症 [ye4niao4zheng4], n., enuresis, incontinence.27. 夜盆兒 [ye4perer0], n., night basin.28. 夜消兒 [ye4xiao1er0], n., night snack (also wr. 宵; usu. called 宵夜).29. 夜戲 [ye4xi4], n., evening performance, evening show.30. 夜行人 [ye4xing2ren2], n., night prowlers.31. 夜市 [ye4shi4], n., night fair.32. 夜學 [ye4xUe2], n., night school.33. 夜臺 [ye4tai2], n., (LL) the grave, graveyard.34. 夜啼 [ye4ti2], n., morbid crying at night of babies.35. 夜總會 [ye4zong1hui4], n., night club.36. 夜作 [ye4zuo0], n., night work.37. 夜晚 [ye4wan3], n., evening.38. 夜眼 [ye4yan3], n., some people's ability to see in the dark.39. 夜夜 [ye4ye4], adv., every night, nightly.40. 夜鷹 [ye4ying1]1, n., the nighthawk.41. 夜鶯 [ye4ying1]2, n., the nightingale, bulbul.42. 夜遊神 [ye4you2shen2], n., one who turns night into day (also 夜遊子).夜夜 [ye4ye4], adv., every night, nightly.夜a.nocturnal夜的;夜间发生的,夜出的n.night夜,夜晚sleep夜,夜间;一昼夜的行程dim〈美俚〉夜;黄昏夜1. night or evening夜[yè]名night; evening♦ 冬天昼短~长。 In winter the days are short and the nights long.♦ 三天三~讲不完。 It would take days to tell it all.




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