单词 | blowing |
释义 | blowing ['bləuiŋ] vi. blow1的变形 blow3的变形n. 吹风;吹气;吹 喷气声;漏气声 马喘息声 【玻璃制造】(玻璃器皿的)吹制 【陶瓷】(陶瓷表面的)起泡;瑕疵,缺点,毛病 【冶金学】(蒸气或气体通过金属熔液时产生的)扰动 【纺织业】清花 [美国俚语]爵士乐的演奏 [美国、澳大利亚口语]吹牛,说大话,自夸 blow1[bləu] vi.(风)吹,(气流)流动,刮;(暴风雨、风等)呼啸:The wind is blowing.风正在刮。The wind blew all night.风刮了一整夜。 (被风或气流)吹掉,被吹动,被吹走,刮跑:The paper blew away.纸被吹掉了。The leaves are blowing away.树叶被刮掉了。The wind blew my cap off.风把我的帽子刮跑了。 随风飘动(似地):Dust blew through every crack in the room.灰尘随风从每个裂缝钻进房间里。The dust blew into my eyes.灰尘吹入了我的双眼。 (用口、风箱等)吹气:to blow on one's hands to keep them warm对手吹气以使手保暖 (如鲸那样从肺里)喷水和喷气,吹气:to blow on the tea to cool it down把茶水吹凉blew into the microphone把气吹入麦克风 喘气,呼吸急促困难,上气不接下气;(马等)喘鼻息:to blow short急喘The horse was blowing heavily.马正喘着粗气。He was badly blown.他跑得直喘气。 (喇叭、汽笛等)被吹响,鸣响,尖声鸣叫:The sirens blew as they rounded the conner.他们刚绕过街角汽笛就鸣响了。The horn blew loudly.汽车喇叭高声响着。 [口语](用喇叭、号等)吹奏,吹长笛,(在爵士乐即兴演奏会上用钢琴、号、鼓等)演奏爵士乐曲,演奏乐器,(管弦乐)奏鸣:As the trumpets were blowing the queen approached.当喇叭吹奏时女王走过来了。Boy,come to blow.孩子,过来吹号吧。 (轮胎)突然爆裂,爆炸:The right tire blew(out).右轮胎爆裂了。When that bomb blows,it'll take everyone with it!那颗炸弹一旦爆炸,它会把每个人都炸死的! (保险丝、灯丝、电子管等)烧断,烧坏,熔断(out):The fuse blew (out).保险丝烧断了。 (罐头等)隆起,膨胀:The poorly sealed can blew.那个密封不严的罐头胀裂了。 (苍蝇等)产卵,下卵 [美国、苏格兰、澳大利亚、新西兰口语]吹牛,吹嘘,自夸:She kept blowing about her medals.她一直在夸耀她的奖牌。 [俚语](匆匆或突然)离开,离去;来到:Here come the cops!Let's blow!警察来了,我们赶紧离开吧。发怒,暴躁;爆发行手淫,行口交 [美国俚语]引起反感,引起厌恶 开枪,射击(away):She saw him blown away with a gun.她看到他被枪击中。vt.给(风箱、鼓风机等)鼓风:to blow bellows拉风箱 向…吹气,吹(气、烟等),吹送(气等):A breeze blew the smoke into the room.一阵微风把烟吹进房间。He blew her a kiss.他给了她一个飞吻。 (吹气)把…弄干净,吹气,使通气:to blow the dust off the desk吹掉书桌上的灰尘 吹动;吹(火等):to blow air into a fire给火鼓风 发布(新闻、消息等);传播(谣言等);泄露(秘密),揭露,告发:Growing panic blew the rumour about.增大的恐慌到处传播谣言。 吹响,吹奏(管乐器),演奏(乐器等);在…上演奏爵士音乐,(在爵士乐队中)演奏(任何乐器):Come to blow your horn.过来吹号吧。 吹(号角等)以作信号,吹响,按响;鸣(笛):to blow the horn吹喇叭 吹凉;吹热;吹干 吹制(玻璃器皿);吹(肥皂泡);使充气;吹成:to blow smoke rings吹烟圈 使骄傲自大,使自满,使趾高气扬:He was blown with pride.他趾高气扬。 擤,使(鼻子等)通气:to blow one's nose擤鼻子Try blowing your nose.试图使鼻子通气。 使爆炸;炸开(通常与up,to bits等连用):A mine blew the enemy warship to bits.水雷把敌舰炸成碎片。 使喘气,使呼吸困难急促,使上气不接下气;使(马)喘气:to blow the horse使马喘气 使(保险丝等)烧断,熔化:to blow a fuse烧断保险丝My curling iron always blows a fuse.我的卷发钳经常烧坏保险丝。 使(轮胎)爆炸;炸毁;扯断;使裂开(常与out连用):to blow out the tyre使轮胎爆裂 毁灭;爆破;拆毁(常与down,over连用):The windstorm blew down their houses.风暴毁坏了他们的房屋。 使(蒸汽等)冲出;猛力推动;用力击打,快速击打The force of the explosion blew the cars into the air.爆炸气浪把汽车掀起飞上空中。 擅长于,善于:to blow great conversation很健谈 【西洋跳棋】取消(棋盘上对方当跳而未跳的棋子) [口语]浪费,大肆挥霍;乱花(金钱),挥金如土;把钱花在…身上:He blew a fortune on racing cars.他把大笔钱花在买赛车上。 [口语]款待,请(客);对待(某事)(常与to something连用) [美国口语]忘记或念错(台词):to blow his lines忘记台词 [美国俚语](匆匆或突然)离开;以…跑掉:He blew city.他突然离开了城市。 [美国俚语]错过(有利机会),放过(机会);使(希望等)告吹,贻误而遭失败;浪费掉:We had our chance and blew it.我们有机会但错过了。It was your last chance and you blew it.那是你的最后机会,你放过了它。That team blew the lead by making a bad play.那个队打得很差而失去了领先地位。 [俚语]笨手笨脚地把…弄糟,把…弄得一团糟:to blow the whole project使整个计划落空We've blown it!我们把事情搞糟了。 [俚语、委婉语][表示愤怒、惊讶等感情]过去分词blowed诅咒,该死:Blow the cost!不管要花费多大! [美国俚语]吸食,吸(毒),吸服(大麻等毒品),抽(可卡因等毒品):to blow grass抽大麻 [粗俗语]吮吸…的阴茎,与…口交,舐淫(= fellate)n.吹(笛等);吹风 一股空气 强风,疾风,大风,劲风 擤(鼻子) (乐器等的)弹奏,吹奏 管乐器声[俚语](爵士音乐的)即兴演奏会(= jam session) 【冶金学】(贝塞麦转炉中的)吹炼;鼓风吹炼期一次吹炼的钢材 【采矿】(向矿井内的)吹风矿井顶部塌方 【建筑业】冒水翻沙,管涌(= boil) (苍蝇等的)卵,蝇卵(= flyblow) (保险丝的)熔断 [英国俚语]大麻毒品 [美国俚语]可卡因[美国俚语](毒品的)一次吸用 [俚语]烟草制品短语:be blown out[美国俚语](吸毒后)飘飘然blow apart分开,分裂blow by blow极详细地(报道、描述)blow high,blow low不管怎样,不管发生什么blow hot and cold冷热无常;摇摆不定,三心二意;出尔反尔,对意见等忽而赞成忽而反对Blow me tight!如果我撒谎送我进地狱好了!blow oneself to something为自己买某物blow to something[口语]款待,请(客);对待(某事物) blow up sky-high 彻底摧毁;(把…)炸得飞上天 [口语]痛骂,怒斥,严斥 [俚语]拼命地干 get(或have,go for)a blow吹吹风,出去透透气,出外呼吸新鲜空气 变形:vi. blew . blown . blowing blow3[bləu] vi.[诗歌用语](花)开,开花vt.开(花),使开花n.(遍开的)花;花丛 开花(状态) (事物的)绚丽多彩,光彩夺目,炫耀;灿烂的景象变形:vi. blew . blown . blowing 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 文馨英漢☞blew新世纪英汉大☞blow详细释义 n.吹风,鼓风;吹制,吹气法 Once in the night I woke and heard the blowing of the wind. 有天夜里我醒了,听见在刮风。 We were simply too busy to join book clubs, take glass-blowing classes, or even stay late at the office. 我们只是太忙没法去参加读书俱乐部,去上玻璃吹制班,或者甚至在办公室呆到很晚。 v.blow的现在分词英英释义n.processing that involves blowing a gas词形变化动词过去式: blew动词过去分词: blown动词现在分词: blowing动词第三人称单数: blowsblowing來Vb. complement.(2) Expressing an action begun: 刮起風來 a wind starts blowing;披Words7. 披披 [pi1pi1], adj., (LL) trailing, blowing about (of girdles, willows).熱Adj.(1) Hot (opp. 冷 cold): 冷熱 (無常) (lit.) (of weather) marked by sudden changes in temperature, (fig.) (blowing) hot and cold, 炎熱 sweltering;鼓V.t.鼓瑟吹笙 celebration of weddings or birthdays by playing lutes and blowing pipe instruments.奈Adv.used of a forlorn situation: 怎奈晚來風急 alas! the wind is blowing fast tonight!呵V.i. & t.(2) To warm (benumbed hands, etc.) by blowing breath: 呵手 to blow on hand;咄Words2. 咄嗟 [duo4jie1], adv., in a short moment (quick as blowing a breath): 咄嗟立辦 can be done at once.吹V.i. & t.不費吹灰之力 with minimum effort (less than “blowing dust” off table).Words20. 吹網 [chui1wang3], v.i, (Budd.) to inflate a fish net by blowing--obviously futile.21. 吹云 [chui1yUn2], phr., to paint clouds by blowing white spots of powder over wet silk.刮V.i.(Of wind) to blow: 刮風 a storm is blowing;忍V.i. & t.忍住這口氣 suppress one's anger, control oneself without blowing up;英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶英汉大☞Blow英汉大☞life英汉大☞SETblow·ing/`bloɪŋ; ˈblouiŋ/名词1 蒸汽或气体在压力下从气孔溢出时所发出之声音2 气体等通过融解之金属所引起之干扰3 (做玻璃容器等中空物品之) 吹气法blowing喷出熔体{钢锭顶面结壳后喷出之熔体}; 送风blowing[潜艇水舱]排水;吹除;渗漏;漏气blowing喷出 ; 鼓风blowing鼓风,吹气blowing吹制blowing吹气blowing自喷blowing蒸呢blowingn.(名詞 noun)蒸汽或氣體從氣孔溢出時所發出之聲音(塑膠等中空製品的)吹製(= blow molding)【美•俚】爵士樂演奏blowingblow molding(塑膠等中空製品的)吹製document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Blowing 1866-69羅存德英華字典Blowing1making a current of air吹2breathing quick噴氣3inflating吹脹4impelling by wind吹去5sounding a wind instrument吹樂器6the act of blowing吹者1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 208 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Blowing1Blowing of wind,颺、刮、吹1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 43 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Blowingppr.1Making a current of air吹2breathing quick噴氣3inflating吹脹4impelling by wind吹去5sounding a wind instrument吹樂器n.1The act of blowing吹者p 131 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶吹樂器wind-instrument blasinstrument blowing 英華☞BLOW英華☞blow英華☞rub英華☞air英華☞upblowing自噴海洋地質學blowing吹氣材料科學名詞—高分子材料blowing噴出熔體{鋼錠頂面結殼後噴出之熔體}; 送風材料科學名詞—金屬材料blowing自噴地球科學名詞—地質blowing噴出 ; 鼓風礦冶工程名詞blowing鼓風,吹氣食品科技blowing蒸呢紡織科技blowing風選機械工程blowing吹製鑄造學blowing[潛艇水艙]排水;吹除;滲漏;漏氣造船工程名詞 |
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