

单词 外科
释义 外科1. chirurgery2. surgery外科 wàikē1) surgical department他受伤后需要做外科手术。 He needs surgery because of his physical injuries.2) external medicine外科wàikēsurgery (branch of medicine)外科【医】surgery矫形外科 orthopaedic surgery心脏外科 heart surgery外科医生 surgeon指医院部门surgical department外科 wài kē {医} surgery; surgical department:  肠外科 enterochirurgia;  整形外科 orthopedic (plastic) surgery;  施行外科手术拯救了许多生命。 Many lives have been saved by surgery. 外科病房 surgical ward; 外科病理学 surgical pathology; 外科病症 surgical disease; 外科(手术)锤 surgical mallet; 外科缝(合)针 surgical sewing needle; surgical suture needle; 外科钩 ancistrum; 外科护理 surgical nursing; 外科结 surgeons' knot; surgical knot; 外科精要 essence of diagnosis and treatment of external disease; 外科颈 collum chirurgicum; surgical neck; 外科器械学 acidology; 外科手术 surgical operation; surgery; 外科手术热 surgical fever; 外科手术针 needle; 外科透热法 {医} diathermic surgery; 外科学 surgery; 外科医师 surgeon; 外科诊断 surgical diagnosis; 外科症状 surgical symptom; 外科住院医师 house surgeon外科 [wai4ke1], n., surgery;外科a.surgical外科的;外科手术的;外科医师施行的n.surgery外科;外科学;手术外科1. the surgical department; the department of surgery; surgery外科[医]surgical department♦ ~病房 surgical ward♦ ~手术 surgical operation; surgery♦ ~医生 surgeon~学 surgery英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞DISEASE




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