

单词 外勤
释义 外勤1. job outside one's office外勤 wàiqín1) outside/field work他爸爸常出外勤,很少在家。 His father often goes to work far afield and is rarely home.2) field personnel外勤wàiqínfield workfield personnelany occupation that involves a great deal of field work外勤在外面进行工作fieldwork外勤记者 reporter in the field指人fieldworker林语堂林语堂★◀▶外勤 [wai4qin2], n., field work, work not inside office: 外勤記者 reporter.外勤field work involving running around;外勤n.legwork〈口〉外出收集情况的工作(如新闻采访、刑事案件调查等);外勤,跑腿活儿外勤1. (of a corporation worker) on field assignment or duty; work done outside the office or in the field; leg work2. field personnel国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞工地作业--现场作业--外勤外勤1. work done outside the office or in the field (as surveying, prospecting, news gathering, etc.)♦ 跑~ do fieldwork; run errands2. field personnel




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