

单词 外债
释义 文馨英漢☞外債外债 wàizhàiexternal/foreign debt外债wàizhàiforeign debt外债指国家向外国借的债foreign debt对非常住机构用外币或本币在规定日期内必将偿还的外债。 Foreign debt to non-permanently resident organizations that must be repaid within the stipulated period in foreign or local currency.贸易信贷可能纳入外债管理,防止境内外资金违规支付或滞留。 Trading credit can be managed as foreign debt to prevent the illegal payment or retention of foreign capital in the country.阿根廷政府宣布无力偿还外债。 The Argentinian government has announced that it is unable to repay its foreign debt.指单位或个人向别的单位、别人借的钱borrowed money做好企业外债风险防范 carry out risk management for external enterprise debt well心急的父母取出所有的积蓄,并借了不少外债。 The anxious parents withdrew all their savings and also borrowed a lot of money from others.外债 wài zhài foreign debt; foreign borrowing; external loan; loan from foreign powers; overseas debt 外债偿付(清偿) external debt servicing外债1. an external debt; a foreign debt; international loans; foreign indebtedness外债external debt外债foreign debt外债external debt; foreign debt




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