

单词 备案
释义 备案 bèi'ànput on record; file备案bèiànto put on recordto file备案to put on record报上级机关备案 report to higher authorities and put on record备案 bèi àn (存案以备考查) put on record; enter (a case) in the records; put on file; serve as a record; keep on record:  备案存查 file on record for reference 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞備案备案1. to serve as a record; to keep on record; to put on record; to put on file; to enter (a case) in the records国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞备选方案--备案备案put on record (or on file); enter (a case) in the records




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