

单词 声援
释义 文馨英漢☞聲援声援 shēngyuángive support to声援shēngyuánto support (a cause)声援to express support for声援 shēng yuán express support for; support:  声援... 的正义斗争 support sb. in their just struggles;  给与道义上的声援 administer moral support;  举行一次群众集会来声援该运动 hold a mass rally in support of the movement;  他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。 They were supported by us both materially and spiritually. 声援vi.Root声援,支持 (for)vt.Root声援,支持声援1. to (publicly) express support for; to plead the cause; to lend one's voice in aid of2. verbal sympathy声援express support for; support♦ ~被压迫民族的正义斗争 support the oppressed nations in their just struggles




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