

释义 士1. men2. soldiers3. an official4. a scholar5. one of the pieces in Chinese chess士 shìI b.f.1) trad. scholar; intelligentsia (士农工商)2) person (人士)3) soldier (士兵)4) person trained in a certain field (护士)5) (commendable) person (志士)II n.1) a piece in Ch. chess2) Surname士Shìsurname Shishìmember of the senior ministerial class (old)scholar (old)bachelorhonorificsoldiernoncommissioned officerspecialist worker士 n. 未婚男子bachelor古代介于大夫与庶民之间的阶层person of the social strata between senior officials and the common people in ancient China参见:士人[shìrén]军人soldier尉官以下的军人的一级non-commissioned officer上士 staff sergeant中士 sergeant下士 corporal某种技术人员person trained in a certain field医士 doctor护士 nurse技士 technician对人的美称used to denote respect烈士 martyr女士 lady男士 gentleman士 shì 名 (古代指未婚的男子) bachelor (in ancient China) (古代介于大夫和庶民之间的阶层) a social stratum in ancient China, between senior officials and the common people (读书人) scholar (军人的一级) noncommissioned officer:  上士 (英)staff sergeant;(美)sergeant first class;  下士 corporal;  中士 sergeant (军人) soldier:  兵士 ordinary soldier (某种技术人员) a person trained in a certain field:  护士 nurse;  助产士 midwife (对人的美称) (commendable) person:  烈士 martyr;  勇士 brave fighter; warrior (棋子) bodyguard, one of the pieces in Chinese chess (姓氏) a surname:  士燮 Shi Xie 士士 173A40  11.11  部居  畫數 3ㄕˋ [shi4] N.(1)  Scholar, the intelligentsia: 士子,士人 [shi4zi3], [shi4ren2]↓;gen. term of polite reference: 男士 gentleman;女士 gen. term equiv. “Miss” attached to surname (張女士) or personal name (玉華女士);士林,士流,士族 [shi4lin2], [shi4liu2], [shi4zu2]2↓.(2)  Soldier: 士兵,兵士 ditto;上士,中士,下士 staff sergeant, sergeant, corporal;壯士,勇士 warrior, brave fighter;甲士 soldiers bearing arms (lit. “shields”).(3)  士 a pawn, name of a chessman in Chin. chess.Words1. 士兵 [shi4bing1], n., private, soldier.2. 士氣 [shi4qi4], n., morale of the educated class or of the army.3. 士大夫 [shi4da4fu1], n., (1) the intelligentsia, literati, gentry; (2) the men or officers of rank.4. 士多 [shi4duo1], n., store, usually grocery store (translit. Cantonese).5. 士官 [shi4guan1], n., the officials.6. 士君子 [shi4jUn1zi3], n., the intelligentsia, educated class; a gentleman.7. 士類 [shi4lei4], n., scholars as a class.8. 士禮 [shi4li3], n., rites and rituals.9. 士流 [shi4liu2], n., the scholar class, literary circles.10. 士林 [shi4lin2], n., literary circles.11. 士民 [shi4min2], n., (LL) the people, including scholars.12. 士敏土 [shi4min2tu3], n., cement (translit., also called 水泥).13. 士女 [shi4nU3], n., (1) boys and girls; (2) 士女畫 painting of human figures (also wr. 仕女).14. 士人 [shi4ren2], n., a scholar, an educated man.15. 士行 [shi4xing4], n., conduct of scholars.16. 士庶 [shi4shu4], n., the common people.17. 士卒 [shi4zu2]1, n., army privates.18. 士族 [shi4zu2]2, n., family of scholars.19. 士子 [shi4zi3], n., student, scholar.20. 士伍 [shi4wu3], n., rank and file of soldiers.士1. a person trained in certain fields2. a learned person3. a noncommissioned officer; a petty officer4. reference to a person with respect5. members of the armed forces in general士[shì]名1. scholar2. soldier; armyman♦ 士兵 3. noncommissioned officer♦ 上士 ♦ 下士 4. a person trained in a certain field♦ 护士 5. (commendable) person♦ 勇士 6. bodyguard, one of the pieces in Chinese chess




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