

单词 增速
释义 增速 zēngsùincrease speed; speed up增速zēngsùto speed upto accelerategrowth rate (economics)增速增大速度to increase in speed各区域全面增长———增速明显高于往年。 All areas are growing across the board. There has been a marked increase in speed over the last year.我国经济增速的放缓。 The speed of the growth of China's economy has slowed.增速 zēng sù speed increase; speed up 增速比 speed increasing ratio; 增速传动 step-up drive; 增速齿轮 overdrive gear; 增速轮 multiplying wheel; 增速器 speed increaser; speed increasing gear; 增速装置 speeder增速a.step-up(齿轮传动)增速的n.acceleration加快,增速;促进speedup增速,加速vi.accelerate加快,增速vt.accelerate使加快,使增速增速speed; up增速up speed双向☞加速--增速--高速度化双向☞转速上升--增速双向☞速度增加--增速双向☞增速--系住英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Acceleration英華☞ACCELERATE英華☞FORWARD




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