

单词 增光
释义 增光1. to glorify2. to do credit to增光 zēngguāng1) add luster to2) glorify增光zēngguāngto add lusterto add glory增光to bring glory to我国运动员以杰出的成绩为祖国增光。 Our athletes have brought glory to the country with their outstanding achievements.增光 zēng guāng (增加光彩) add lustre to; do credit to; add to the prestige of:  为国增光 do credit to one's country; win honours for the motherland;  为国旗增光添彩 add lustre to the national flag  {电子} intensify 增光环 intensifying ring; 增光剂 polish; 增光屏 intensifying screen增光 [zeng1guang1], v.i., add honor, glory, luster.增光a.honest可信任的,可靠的;值得赞扬的;带来荣誉的,增光的honourable荣誉的,光荣的;增光的vt.honour使增光;给…以荣誉;给…授勋(或颁奖等)phr.do honour to使增光;给…带来荣誉增光1. to do credit to; to add a new lustre to; to bring honour to增光add lustre to; do credit to; add to the prestige of♦ 为国~ do credit to one's country英華英華★◀▶英華☞Creditableness英華☞GILD




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