

释义 填1. to fill2. to stuff填 tiánsyn. 阗填tiánto fill or stuff(of a form etc) to fill in填 v. 参见:填塞[tiánsè];填满[tiánmǎn];填平[tiánpíng]填沟 fill a ditch填坑 fill a pit填裂缝 fill a crack填缺口 fill a gap用砖把门填起来 brick up a doorway参见:填补[tiánbǔ]参见:填写[tiánxiě]填调查表 fill in a questionnaire填 tián 动 (垫平或塞满) fill; stuff:  用泥土填洞 fill a hole with mud; stuff up a hole with mud;  填枕芯 stuff a pillow;  每亩梯田我们得填上成千上万筐好土。 We had to fill up each mu of terraced fields with thousands of basketfuls of good soil. (补足; 充满) replenish; supplement; complement:  填补空缺 fill a vacancy;  他们都义愤填膺。 They were filled with righteous indignation. (填写) fill in; write:  填错账目 fill in the wrong accounts;  这个订货单你要填一下。 You must fill out this order form. 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶填填 206B30  11A.80-2  部居  畫數 13ㄊㄧㄢˊ [tian2] V.t.To fill up: 填空 fill hole, blank;填平 fill up and make even (road);填兒 fill with stuffing, (fig.) serve as expendable;填表 fill blank form;填滿,填飽 feed to the full;填鴨 forced feeding of duck for rapid growth;cram information into student's head as one form of “education”;填還 pay back (debt).Adj.See 填填 [tian2tian2]↓.Words1. 填補 [tian2bu3], v.t., fill a vacancy.2. 填地 [tian2di4], n., land reclaimed from sea or river.3. 填發 [tian2fa1], v.t., fill in printed form and issue (certificate, etc.).4. 填房 [tian2fang1], n., second wife after first wife's death.5. 填海 [tian2hai3], v.i., & n. reclaim, -ation.6. 填註 [tian2zhu4], v.t., add notes.7. 填空 [tian2kong1], v.i., fill in what is needed, whether competent or not.8. 填塞 [tian2se4], v.t., fulfill (obligation) as a matter of form.9. 填寫 [tian2xie3], v.i., copy in, fill a form.10. 填填 [tian2tian2], adj., (AC) thunderous, rumbling in sound; heavy-stepped; full.11. 填詞 [tian2ci2], v.i., to write words to given melody, to write 詞 a form of poem with definite song pattern.填src="/char_font/1oibhx18.gif" align=absmiddle>兒 fill with stuffing, (fig.) serve as expendable;填填 [tian2tian2], adj., (AC) thunderous, rumbling in sound; heavy-stepped; full.填vt.line〈口〉填(腰包);塞(肚子)ram猛压,用力推;硬塞;塞,填;装填(弹药);给(枪、炮)装弹 (down,in,into,onto)bulk使扩大,使膨胀;填,塞 (out)填1. to fill up2. to stuff3. (of forms) to fill in填[tián]动1. fill; stuff♦ 往坑里~土 fill a pit with earth♦ ~枕芯 stuff a pillow2. write; fill in♦ ~表 fill in a form♦ 别~错日期。 Don't fill in the wrong date.




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