

单词 cogn
释义 cogn賁 36C00  10.80/154 ㄅㄣ [ben1] (*ㄅㄧˋ [bi4]). [Cogn. of奔,濆]抹 48A50  10A.01-1/64 ㄇㄛˇ [mo3] (*ㄇㄛˋ [mo4]). [Cogn.摸 ㄇㄛ [mo1], 10A.81]捧 52B50  10A.10-1/64 ㄆㄥˇ [peng3]. [Cogn. of奉]掐V.t.(1)  To gather with the hand (cogn. 夾 [jia2]): 把東西掐在一起 gather the things together with fingers;搒V.t.標搒 [biao1beng4], to praise (person) in public (cogn. 標榜 [biao1bang3] 10B.01).攩V.t.To parry (a blow), shield off, ward off (cogn. 搪 [tang2], 10A.40): 抵攩 meet, counter (attack);擺 87C40  10A.70-4/64 ㄅㄞˇ [bai3]. [Pop. ; cogn.排 ㄆㄞˊ [pai2]]扒V.i. & t.(2)  (*[ba1]) To rob, strip, peel, pull apart: 扒皮 peel (an orange) (cogn. 剝 92S.00);杜V.t.To shut out, prevent (cogn. 堵): 杜門謝客 Close the gate and shut out visitors, live in complete seclusion;棚 130A25  10B.42-4/75 ㄆㄥˊ [peng2].[Cogn. of篷 92A.83]抵 147B15  10C.71-9/93 ㄉㄧˇ [di3]. [Var.觝; cogn.抵 10A.71]邦N.(2)  (AC) feudal state (cogn. of 封).堙 197A45  11A.11-3/32 ㄧㄣ [yin1]. [Interch. ; cogn.淹 63A.70]封 208B10  11S.00-1/41 ㄈㄥ [feng1]. [Cogn.邦 10S.22]奉 217C10  12.10/37 ㄈㄥˋ [feng4]. [Cogn.捧 10A.10] 234A20 [ben4]. [Cogn.奔 in奔命 12.20]薄Words16. 薄相 [bo2xiang4], adj., (MC) playful, capricious (fate); cogn. of modn. Soochow 白相 to play about in city.羋 254C50 ㄇㄧㄝ [mie1] (re. pr. ㄇㄧˇ [mi3]). [Cogn. ,咩] 271C30 [meng2]. [Cogn.懵 22A.41]芬 278B15  20A.50-8/140 ㄈㄣ [fen1]. [Cogn.芳; var. of紛 93B.50.]藐 282B45  20A.70-9/140 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Cogn.渺]虔 328B35  21A.82/141 ㄑㄧㄢˊ [qian2]. [Cogn.謹]齠 337C20  21S.40-5/211 ㄊㄧㄠˊ [tiao2]. [Cogn.髫]弗 362B25  22.22/57 ㄈㄨˊ [fu2]. [Cogn.不,匪,否]悖 382C10  22A.00-1/61 ㄅㄟˋ [bei4] (rarely *ㄅㄛˊ [bo2]). [Cogn.背]惇Adj.Sincere, friendly (cogn. with 敦).耎 476A50  31.81/126 ㄖㄨㄢˇ [ruan3]. [Cogn.,軟 10D.81]墮 538A15  32.11/32 ㄉㄨㄛˋ [duo4] (*ㄏㄨㄟ [hui1]). [Cogn.墜]碞 571B45  40.40/112 ㄧㄢˊ [yan2]. [Cogn.巖]嗾 601B50  40A.81-6/30 ㄗㄨˊ [zu2] (ㄙㄡˇ [sou3]). [Cogn.唆 suo, 42A.82]昇 627C50  41.20/72 ㄕㄥ [sheng1]. [Cogn.升,陞]畀 628C00  41.22/102 ㄅㄧˋ [bi4]. [Cogn. of俾 91A.10]晟 647C45  41.71/72 ㄕㄥˋ [sheng4]. [Cogn.盛 71.30]尟Adj.Few, little (cogn. 少 22.91).蒙 666A05  41B.02-2/109 ㄇㄥˊ [meng2] (*ㄇㄥ [meng1]). [Cogn. of曚,朦,蒙,懵]眽 667A50  41B.02-9/109 ㄇㄛˋ [mo4]. [Cogn.脈 42A.02]瞑 671C15  41B.80-6/109 ㄇㄧㄥˊ [ming2] (*ㄇㄧㄥˇ [ming3], *ㄇㄧㄢˋ [mian4]). [Cogn.冥]眇 672B45  41B.91-2/109 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Cogn.渺,藐,杳]冊 695A45  42.42/13 ㄘㄜˋ [ce4] (* ㄔㄞˇ [chai3]). [Var.冊; cogn.策]朦 705C30  42A.02-2/74 ㄇㄥˊ [meng2]. [Cf.曚,蒙,懵 all cogn. words]N.Hips (pop. cogn. of 臀 52.42): 光 bare buttocks.叵 746B15  51.21-4/30 ㄆㄛˇ [po3]. [Cogn. of否,contraction of不可;dist.巨]髫 749B15  51.40/190 ㄊㄧㄠˊ [tiao2]. [Cogn.齠]馹 764A40  51B.41-4/187 ㄖˋ [ri4]. [Cogn.驛 ㄧˋ [yi4]]巴V.i. & t.cf. cogn. 攀 10.00;屏V.t.(*[bing3]) (Cogn. of 摒 [bing4], 10A.20 and 擯 [bin4], 10A.80) to remove, send away, cast aside: 屏棄 [bing3qi4]↓;盲 819B45  60.41/109 ㄇㄤˊ [mang2]. [Cogn.茫20A.21]斒 875C45  60S.42-6/67 ㄅㄢ [ban1]. [Cogn.斑 31A.11]康Adj.康爵 (LL) empty wine cup (cogn. 空).痛 907A35  61A.42-3/104 ㄊㄨㄥˋ [tong4] (vern. oft. *ㄊㄥˊ [teng2]).[Cogn.疼 ㄊㄥˊ [teng2] 61A.63 in both senses of “pain” and “love”]疼 908B45  61A.63-9/104 ㄊㄥˊ [teng2].[Cogn.痛 ㄊㄨㄥˋ [tong4] 61A.42]害Pron.(AC cogn. 何) which: 害澣害否 which shall be washed and which not?寘 934B15  62.80-2/40 ㄓˋ [zhi4]. [Cogn.置]溥Adj. & adv.Spread wide, covering much area: 溥被 covering wide area (cogn. of 普 80.41).凜 965A50 ㄌㄧㄣˇ [lin3]. [Cogn. of凜↓]渺 1024B05  63A.91-4/85 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Cogn.藐 20A.70,秒 90A.91,杳 10.41]岔 1061C40  80.21/46 ㄔㄚˋ [cha4]. [Related叉 32.82; cogn.差80.30]忿 1071B25  80.72/61 ㄈㄣˋ [fen4]. [Var.憤; cogn.奮]父 1074B05  80.82/88 ㄈㄨˋ [fu4]. [Cogn.爸,甫 10.42] 1075C40 [su4]. [Cogn.溯 63A.42] 1152A45 [zhong4]. [Cogn.眾 91.02]反 1167C50  90.82/29 ㄈㄢˇ [fan3]. [Cogn.返 90.83;翻 90S.50]返 1171C45  90.83/162 ㄈㄢˇ [fan3]. [Cogn.反 90.82, interch. in sense of return]秒 1185C05  90A.91-2/115 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Cf.杪 10B.91; cogn.渺 63A.91,杳 10.41]翻 1193C25  90S.50-5/124 ㄈㄢ [fan1]. [Var. ; cogn.反]欣 1197B45  90S.81-9/76 ㄒㄧㄣ [xin1]. [Cogn.忻]并 1204B25  91.20/51 ㄅㄧㄥˋ [bing4]. [Pop.并; cogn.并; interch并]盤N.anc. tub (cogn. modn.盆);迫 1227C00  91.83/162 ㄆㄛˋ [po4]. [Err. var.迫; cogn. of逼 ㄅㄧ [bi1], 30.83.]邈 1230B00  91.83/162 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Cogn.藐,渺]媻Words2. 媻珊 [pan2san1], adj., stroll slowly (cogn. 婆裟 63.93, also wr. 盤珊).俯 1236B30  91A.00-6/9 ㄈㄨˇ [fu3]. [Cogn.伏 91A.81,附 32A.00]俾Adv. conj.(2)  (Cogn. of 備) to serve for: (AC) 俾畫作夜 to make the day serve as night. 1252C10 [zheng1]. [Cogn.怔 22A.30]佻V.t.(AC) steal (as cogn. of 偷): 佻天以為己力 lay claim of what one has done nothing to deserve.儹 1270B55  91A.80-1/9 ㄗㄢˇ [zan3]. [Cogn.攢 10A.80]煩 1315B05  91D.80-2/86 ㄈㄢˊ [fan2]. [Cogn.繁; oft. interch. in sense of confusing]筩 1369A35  92A.42-1/118 ㄊㄨㄥˊ [tong2] (ㄊㄨㄥˇ [tong3]). [Cogn.桶]筒 1369A50  92A.42-3/118 ㄊㄨㄥˊ [tong2] (coll. also ㄊㄨㄥˇ [tong3]). [Cogn.桶,筩 ㄊㄨㄥˇ [tong3]]簸 1374A40  92A.81-9/118 ㄅㄛˇ [bo3] (*ㄅㄛˋ [bo4]). [Cogn.播 10A.41]刨 1382C10  92S.00-2/18 ㄆㄠˊ [pao2], ㄅㄠˋ [bao4]. [Cogn.刨]緶N.A plait, braid (cogn. of 辮 60S.10).cogn.cognate




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