

释义 場1. field2. place3. scene4. site場場 202A05  11A.50-4  部居  畫數 12ㄔㄤˊ [chang2]  (sp. pr. ㄔㄤˇ [chang3] ). [Var. 場]N. adjunct.A passing scene: 一場好戲 a good play;一場春夢 a spring dream;一場比賽 one contest.N.(1)  Field, open space, hall, place of congregation: 廣場 square, plaza, in city;操場 athletic field;球場 tennis field, baseball field, etc.;跑馬場 racecourse;空場 open space;靶場 archery grounds, rifle range;溜冰場 skating rink;戰場 battlefield;會場 place of meeting, assembly hall;舞場 dance hall;飛機場 airport;市場 market place;商場 emporium, market;鹽場 salt-beds;漁場 fishing grounds, fish nursery;林場 tree plantation, logging station, forestry station;實驗農場 experimental farm;場圃 nursery for flowers, vegetable farm.(2)  A scene in drama, a place in action: 第三場 scene Ⅲ;上場,下場 exit and entrance on stage;see also N. Adjunct↑;在場 s.o. is present, on the scene;當場抓到 caught on the spot;誤場 late for contest or arranged meeting;出場 appear on the scene;臨場 at time of (closing battle, examinations);大鬧一場 create a big scene;哭叫一場 have a bout of yelling and weeping;排場 put up a show, or (adj.) showy, ostentatious;道場 a Taoist mass of prayers, etc.;官場 official life or circles, officialdom.Words1. 場合 [chang2he2], n., a bout in fighting, jousting; a scene or situation: 在那個場合 in that situation or context.2. 場面 [chang2mian4], n., (1) public appearance: 維持場面 s.t. for appearance's sake; (2) scope: 場面很大 a big scope or size and quality of meeting.3. 場所 [chang2suo3], n., place of meeting or assembly.4. 場子 [chang3zi0], n., a public place for amusements.




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