

单词 垫付
释义 文馨英漢☞墊付垫付 diànfù1) pay for another2) pay for sb. and expect to be repaid later垫付diànfùto pay sb else's expense with the expectation of being reimbursed by that person later垫付to advance money for someone运费由售方垫付。 The postage costs will be paid by the seller at first and later reimbursed.钱是他代我垫付的。 He advanced me the money.垫付 diàn fù (暂时替别人付钱) pay for sb. and expect to be repaid later垫付1. to pay for something and expect to be reimbursed垫付(又作 ‘垫支’) pay for sb. and expect to be repaid later




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