释义 |
坌 bèn1) dust2) coarse (大坌坑文化)坌bènvariant of 坋[bèn]old variant of 笨[bèn]坌 n. 尘埃dust v. 翻土<方>to dig聚集参见:坌集[bènjí]撒to scatter adj. 粗劣of poor quality参见:笨坌 bèn 动 (方) (翻土; 刨) dig up: 坌地 turn up the soil (书) (聚) gather: 坌集 gather together (书) (用细末撒在物体上面) splash 名 (书) (尘埃) dust 形 (书) (粗劣) shoddy; of poor quality“坋” 另见 fèn。坌坌 1061B45 80.11 部居 畫數 7ㄅㄣˋ [ben4] . [Var.坋]N.(AC) dust.V.i.(AC) to gather, together, to splash.Words1. 坌集 [ben4ji2], v.i., (LL) gather at a place.2. 坌涌 [ben4yong3], v.i., (LL) gush up like gas. |