

单词 在乎
释义 在乎1. to care2. to mind3. to depend on在乎 zàihu1) care about; mind你在乎不在乎我用你的电脑? Do you mind if I use your computer?2) lie in; rest with在乎zàihuto care aboutequivalent of 在于[zài yú]在乎参见:在于[zàiyú]参见:在意[zàiyì]满不在乎 not care at all我们在乎有一个好的环境来发展自己。 We care about having a good environment within which we can develop.在乎 zài hu (在意) care about; mind; take to heart:  满不在乎 not care a bit;  我不在乎这样的冷天。 I don't mind the cold. (在于) lie in; rest with在乎 [zai4hu4] ([zai4hu0]), (1) v.t., (importance, etc.) lie in, rest with: 這個人的長處,就在乎他肯說老實話 this man's strength lies in his readiness to tell the truth; (2) v.i., be interested; v.i., 不在乎 not concerned: 他滿不在乎 he is totally unconcerned.在乎a.worried[用于否定句]〈口〉在乎,介意vt.give〈口〉[通常用于否定句]在乎在乎1. to care about; to mind; to take to heart2. to lie in; to consist in3. to depend on; to rest with在乎1. depend on; rest with♦ 干不干~你自己。 It's up to you whether you do it or not2. lie in; consist in♦ 背景的作用~衬托。 The function of a background is to set off.3. (usu. used in the negative) care about; mind; take to heart♦ 难道你还~这几个钱? Surely you won't grudge such a small sum.♦ 人家会说你, 你~不~? Don't you care what people will say?英華英華★◀▶英華☞Consists英華☞CONSIST




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