

释义 在1. at2. in3. on4. to exist5. to be living在 zàiI v.1) be at/in/on请问,老王在吗? Excuse me, is Old Wang there/here?2) exist; live我爸爸已经不在了。 My father has passed away.3) depend on; rest withII adv.indicating an action in progress昨天四点我在游泳。 I was swimming at four yesterday.III cov.in; at; on; etc.我在北京住。 I live in Beijing.IV cons.1) 在 A (zhī)zhōng: in (the midst/process of) A2) 在 A kàn(lai): as A sees it; in A's opinion在我看来 as I see it.在zài(located) at(to be) into existin the middle of doing sth(indicating an action in progress)在 prep. 表示处所,范围used to indicate time, place, and scope在房子前面 in front of the house在房子后面 behind the house在屋子里 in the room在心里 in one's mind在桥下 underneath the bridge在月光下 in the moonlight在阳光下 in the sunlight在思想战线上 on the ideological battle line在政治上有所准备 be politically prepared在一定意义上 in a certain way我住在学校附近。 I live near the school.他住在郊外。 He lives in the suburbs.不要在困难面前低头 do not bow your head in the face of difficulty表示时间used to express a point in time在这以前 before this在这以后 after this在第一个五年计划期间 in the period of the first Five Year Plan在晚上工作 work in the evening在最近一个时期我哪儿也没有去。 I have not gone anywhere recently.会议在下午四点钟开。 The meeting will begin at 4pm.展览会将在下周开幕。 The exhibition will open next week.他在第二天才赶到。 He only managed to arrive on the second day.他在十一岁时到了上海。 He arrived in Shanghai when he was eleven.我喜欢在吃饭时看报。 I like reading the newspaper at mealtimes.孩子在半夜醒了。 The child woke up in the middle of the night. v. 存在,生存to exist父母都还在 both parents are still alive我祖母已经不在了 my grandmother is no longer with us这棵树至今还在。 This tree survives to this day.表示人或事物的位置used to indicate position他在不在家里? Is he at home?他在不在厂里? Is he at the factory?他不在我们厂里了。 He is not working in this factory any more.你的位子在第七排。 Your place is in the seventh row.留在to remain属于某团体to belong to参见:在于事在人为。 Success depends on the effort one puts in. adv. 正在used before a verb or an adjective to indicate an ongoing action or state他在晒太阳。 He is soaking up the sun.谁在弹钢琴? Who is playing the piano?他们现在在上课。 They are in class at the moment.小狗死了半年,她都还在伤心呢。 The puppy died six months ago but she is still sad.在 zài 动 (存在; 生存) exist; be living:  精神永在。 The spirit still exists.  我父母健在。 Both of my parents are living now. (表示人或事物的位置; 留在) stay; remain:  在领导岗位 be in one's power;  我父母在北京。 My parents are in Beijing.  你的书在桌子上。 Your book is on the table. (参加; 属于) join or belong to an organization; be a member of an organization:  在组织 join an organization (在于; 决定于) depend on; lie in; rest with:  事在人为。 Human effort is the decisive factor.  企业兴衰主要在经营管理。 The uprising or downfalling of an enterprise lies in its management or administration.  事情的成败在你自己的努力。 The success or failure of the matter depends on your own effort. 副 (正在) in process of; in course of:  一切都在变。 All are changing.  老师在备课。 The teacher is preparing the lesson.  他们在聊天。 They're having a chat. 介 (表示时间、处所、范围等):  在半夜 in the midnight;  在礼堂开会 have a meeting in the auditorium;  在车站 at the station;  在这种情况下 under these circumstances;  坐在我右边 sit on my right;  在战争中 during the war;  在整个历史上 throughout history;  在理论上 in theory; theoretically;  在这方面 in this respect 名 (姓氏) a surname:  在育 Zai Yu 林语堂林语堂★◀▶在在 218A45  12.11  部居  畫數 6ㄗㄞˋ [zai4] V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., exist, live, remain: 存在 (主義) exist (-entialism);留在那兒 stay (remain) there;在不在be alive or dead, at home or not;在世 (of persons) live;在堂 (of parents) remain alive;父母在 both parents are living;在室 (of women) be not yet married.(2)  V.t., be at, in, on: 在上 is above;在桌上 is on the table;在桌下 is under the table;在其中 is in the middle;在外,在內 [zai4wai4], [zai4nei4]↓;在下位而不憂 not sorry for being placed in a subordinate position;在家出家 one who, though retaining family ties, observes all the monastic rules;在官言官 from the strictly official point of view;在朝 (of politicians) be in power;在野 (of politicians) be in opposition: 在野黨 the Opposition, a minority political party;在位 (of a monarch) to reign (“on the throne”): 在位五十年 reigned for 50 years;在職 be in active service;在學 attend school;在望 within sight, within reach;在福中不知福 unmindful of the happy life one is blessed with;在劫難逃 impossible to escape.(3)  (Importance, meaning) lies in, rests in: 事情關鍵在此 the crux of the matter is this;在止於至善 (it) lies in the attainment of moral perfection.(4)  Be in a certain condition (in the act of): 在逃 be at large;在押 in custody;在握 in hand;在手 ditto;在喪 in mourning.(5)  Be present: 在場 be present at the scene;在座 be among the audience.(6)  Be in certain category of class: 在所不免 is (one of those things) unavoidable;在所不究 is (in the class) forgivable, will not be prosecuted;在不可知之數 is one of those things that are yet uncertain.Prep.(1)  In: 在夢中 in a dream;在夜裡 in the evening (night);在某種情況之下 in a certain circumstance.(2)  According to: 在你 (我) 看 from you (my) point of view, as you (I) see it.Words1. 在案 [zai4an4], phr., (case) is the subject of a previous communication; (person) is on the police record.2. 在幫 [zai4bang1], phr., be a member of a secret society.3. 在陳 [zai4chen2], phr., be in financial straits (allu. to the story of Confucius suffering from food shortage in the country of Chern).4. 在旗 [zai4qi2], phr., be a member of a Manchu “banner”--one of the army corps that conquered China and their descendants.5. 在處 [zai4chu4], adv., everywhere.6. 在公 [zai4gong1], v.i. & adj., (LL) (be) on duty: 夙夜在公 attend office morning and night.7. 在行 [zai4hang2], adj., experienced, adept, conversant.8. 在後 [zai4hou4], adv., behind; later on.9. 在乎 [zai4hu4] ([zai4hu0]), (1) v.t., (importance, etc.) lie in, rest with: 這個人的長處,就在乎他肯說老實話 this man's strength lies in his readiness to tell the truth; (2) v.i., be interested; v.i., 不在乎 not concerned: 他滿不在乎 he is totally unconcerned.10. 在家 [zai4jia1]., (1) n., (Budd.) live at home, not in monastery (opp. 出家 one who has left home and become a monk or nun); (2) adv., at home.11. 在教 [zai4jiao4], phr., be a believer in Islamism.12. 在疚 [zai4jiu4], v.i. & adj., (AC) (be) in bereavement.13. 在即 [zai4ji2], adj., forthcoming, fast approaching: 考試在即 examinations are near at hand.14. 在莒 [zai4jU3], phr., living in exile (as a political refugee) allu. to the story of 齊桓公 biding his time at Jyuu.15. 在理兒 [zai4lie1er0], n., a member of a 17th cen. secret semi-religious society (理教) dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu Dyn.16. 在理 [zai4li3], phr., according to reason.17. 在內 [zai1nei4], adj., included: 小賬在內 tips included.18. 在苫 [zai4shan1], adj., newly bereaved of father or mother.19. 在下 [zai4xia4], (1) adv., below; (2) pron., I, your humble servant.20. 在先 [zai4xian1], adv., (1) beforehand; (2) formerly, previously.21. 在心 [zai4xin1], v.i. & adj., (be) attentive, alert, on the watch.22. 在昔 [zai1xi2], adv., once upon a time, formerly, in former times, in times past.23. 在事 [zai4shi4], v.i., be in charge (of s.t.).24. 在在 [zai4zai4], adv., everywhere, in all directions.25. 在外 [zai4wai4], adj. & adv., (1) outside; (2) away from home; (3) excluded: 小賬在外 excluding tips.26. 在意 [zai4yi4], v.i. & adj., (be) careful, attentive: 不在意 not concerned.在在 [zai4zai4], adv., everywhere, in all directions.在prep.TO〈方〉在[表示接近、 接触]在,于;紧靠着FOR在(指定时间);在…时节UP〈口〉到;在chez在…的家里;在…;在…旁vi.BE在;存在;生存subsist在(于),固有(在)(in)在1. to exist; to be living2. to be present3. to be in the process of4. an indicator or location (in space or time)在in双向☞位置.状态--在--存在双向☞至……位置--在在[zài]动1. exist; be alive♦ 问题还~, 并没有解决。 The problem still exists. It's not solved yet.♦ 他父亲还~, 母亲早就不~了。 His father is still alive, but his mother passed away long ago.2. be at, in or on (a place)♦ 你去那儿找他, 他准~。 Go and see him; he must be there.3. depend on; rest with♦ 去不去~你自己。 It's up to you whether you go or not.♦ 收不收他~学校领导。 Whether to admit him or not rests with the school authorities.4. lie in; consist in♦ 我们的希望~青年一代。 Our hopes lie in the younger generation.♦ 这首诗妙~含蓄而不明言。 The appeal of this poem lies in suggestion rather than direct statement.5. join or belong to an organization; be a member of an organization♦ ~组织 belong to a certain organization6. be on the job or at the post♦ 在职 介at, in, or on (a place or time)♦ 阳光照射~水面上。 The sunlight fell on the water.♦ 狗~地上打滚儿。 The dog rolled on the ground.♦ ~我看来 in my opinion; as I see it♦ ~理论上 in theory; theoretically副(used to indicate action in progress)♦ 他~看电视。 He's watching TV.♦ 他~干什么?—他还~睡觉呢。 What's he doing? —He's still sleeping.♦ 她~游泳。 She is swimming.




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