

释义 土1. earth2. ground3. homemade4. land5. mud6. native7. soil土 tǔI n.1) soil; earth; clay2) land3) (crude) opium4) SurnameII s.v.uncouth; crude; unsophisticated他看上去很土。 He looks unsophisticated.III b.f.local; native; indigenous (土产)土TǔTu (ethnic group)surname Tutǔearthdustclaylocalindigenouscrude opiumunsophisticatedone of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[bā yīn]土 n. 泥土soil土块 clump of soil土山 earthen hill土堆 mound土墙 mud wall土路 dirt road掘土 dig土地;地域land; territory国土 national territory领土 territory尘土dust一身土 be covered in dust把玻璃上的土擦去 wipe dust off a window未熬制的鸦片opium烟土 crude opium adj. 限于某一地区的provincial这字眼太土了 this wording is very parochial参见:土法[tǔfǎ]土糖 home-made sweets土农药 traditional pesticide土技术员 person skilled in traditional or indigenous techniques土机器 home-made machine土设备 home-made equipment土医院 hospital of traditional medicine指不时髦unfashionable这种式样太土了。 This style is very unfashionable.土 tǔ 名 (土壤;泥土) soil; earth:  瘠土 lean (poor) soil;  沃土 fertile soil;  漂白土 fuller's earth (土地) land; ground:  故土 native land;  领土 territory; domain;  疆土 territory (未熬制的鸦片) opium:  烟土 opium (姓氏) a surname:  土皋 Tu Gao 形 (本地的; 地方性的) local; native:  土产 local product;  土音 local accent;  土生植物 native plants (我国民间的) folk; popular; indigenous:  土偏方 folk remedy;  土办法 indigenous methods;  土布 homespun cloth (不合潮流; 不开通) unfashionable; unenlightened; uncouth:  土头土脑 stupid and uncouth; unenlightened;  打扮得真土 dress like a country bumpkin; countrified dress 林语堂林语堂★◀▶土土 172A55  11.11  部居  畫數 3ㄊㄨˇ [tu3] N.(1)  Land: 國土 national territory;疆土 ditto;故土 home country;守土有責 be responsible for guarding land from enemy;皇天后土 Heaven and Earth (personified);土地 [tu3di4]↓.(2)  Soil, earth: 泥土 clay, mud;沙土 sandy soil;沃土 fertile soil;黃土 yellow soil;三合土 Chin. cement;土崩瓦解 complete collapse, disintegration of authority or government structure;土牛木馬 or 土雞瓦狗 shape without soul, completely useless persons.(3)  Euphem. for opium: 運土 transportation of opium for profit;煙土 opium.(4)  Clay musical instrument.(5)  One of the Five Elements (五行之一) or five modes of motion.(6)  A surname.Adj.(1)  Native, local, of or from the country: 土產 [tu3chan3]↓;forming many compp. meaning local, native, aboriginal, like 土風,土豪,土人,土布 see [tu3feng1]2, [tu3hao2], [tu3ren2], [tu3bu4], etc↓.(2)  Earthen, made of earth: 土瓶 earthen jar;土城 earthen city wall.(3)  Uncouth, crude, rude, stubborn;土性,土氣 [tu3xing4], [tu3qi4], etc.↓;他打扮得好土 he dresses like a country bumpkin;土頭土腦 bumptious, stupid and uncouth.Words1. 土包 [tu3bao1], n., (1) ([tu3zi0]) a coarse person, country bumpkin; (2) a pack of earth.2. 土豹 [tu3bao4], n., a kind of wild cat, also called 猞猁孫[she4li1sun1].3. 土 [tu3bie1], n., a kind of ground insect (also known as 地).4. 土兵 [tu3bing1], n., local troops or recruits.5. 土撥鼠 [tu3bo2shu3], n., the marmot.6. 土布 [tu3bu4], n., homespun, coarse local cloth.7. 土產 [tu2chan3], n., local product or produce.8. 土娼 [tu3chang1], n., local prostitute.9. 土常山 [tu3chang2shan1], n., (bot.) hydrangea.10. 土城 [tu3cheng2], n., city wall made of clay or adobe.11. 土氣 [tu3qi4], adj., rustic, lacking refinement, crass: 土氣十足, also 土裡土氣.12. 土地 [tu3di4], n., land: 土地改革 land reform; 土地稅 land tax; 土地銀行 land bank; ([tu3di0]) earth god in charge of farms and vegetation: 土地神 earth god; 土地爺 ditto; 土地廟 earth god's temple.13. 土堆 [tu3dui1], n., heap of earth, soil.14. 土遁 [tu3dun4], v.i., (myth, certain spirits capable of) disappearing into the earth and becoming invisible.15. 土耳其 [tu2er3qi2], n., Turkey.16. 土法 [tu2fa3], n., local or native method of production.17. 土方 [tu3fang1], n., recipe of folk medicine.18. 土匪 [tu2fei3], n., bandit.19. 土蜂 [tu3feng1]1, n., a kind of wasp, Discolia vittifrons.20. 土風 [tu3feng1]2, n., local custom; 土風舞 local or aboriginal dance.21. 土官 [tu3guan1], n., formerly, border chief sanctioned by the Chin. government, see [tu3si1]↓.22. 土棍 [tu3gun4], n., local communists.23. 土共 [tu3gong4], n., local communists.24. 土豪 [tu3hao2], n., the local rich and influential class, esp. 土豪劣紳 phr., local oppressive rich gentry.25. 土花 [tu3hua1], n., discolorations of antiques long buried underground.26. 土話 [tu3hua4], n., patois, dialect.27. 土貨 [tu3huo4], n., product of local industry; local produce.28. 土芥 [tu3jie4], n., (LL) trifles.29. 土著 [tu3zhu4], n., aborigines (also pr. [tu3zhuo2]).30. 土螽 [tu3zhong1], n., an insect, Criotettix bispinosus.31. 土炕 [tu3kang4], n., the [kang1], a built-in earthen bed in North China.32. 土老兒 [tu3lao3er0], n., country bumpkin.33. 土饅頭 [tu3man2tou0], n., (sarcastic) grave (“earthen bun”).34. 土脈 [tu3mo4], n., veins of land, geologic strata.35. 土末兒 [tu3mo4er0], n., powder of tea leaves.36. 土木 [tu3mu4], n., construction activity; 土木工程 civil engineering.37. 土偶 [tu3ou3], n., clay idol.38. 土坯 [tu3pi1], n., unburnt brick.39. 土壤 [tu2rang3], n., soil; land.40. 土人 [tu3ren2], n., aborigines, natives.41. 土色 [tu3se4], n. & adj., ashen color.42. 土山(子) [tu3shan1]([zi0]), n., hill without rocks.43. 土性 [tu3xing4], n., coarse, bumptious character.44. 土星 [tu3xing1], n., (astron.) Saturn.45. 土虛子 [tu3xU1zi0], n., see [tu3gun4]↑.46. 土俗 [tu3su2], n., local custom.47. 土司 [tu3si1], n., border government in charge of dealings with border tribes.48. 土賊 [tu3ze2], n., see [tu3fei3]↑.49. 土作 [tu3zuo4], n., mason’s and carpenter's work.50. 土物 [tu3wu4], n., local product.51. 土藥 [tu3yao4], n., native recipe, native medicine; domestic opium, dist. 洋藥 imported opium.52. 土曜日 [tu3yao4ri4], n., Saturday.53. 土音 [tu3yin1], n., dialect accent.54. 土儀 [tu3yi2], n., gift of native products.55. 土語 [tu2yU3], n., local, native language.土 [tu3bie1], n., a kind of ground insect (also known as 地).土a.terrene土(质)的n.ground土;土地earth土,泥dust地面;(尤指被视作坟墓的)土Terra土,泥土1. soil; earth2. the ground; the land3. local; native4. indigenous5. crude土earth双向☞地面--土--地球双向☞土壤 -- 土双向☞土--地球土[tǔ]名1. soil; earth♦ 一把~ a handful of soil♦ ~坷拉 a lump of earth; clod♦ 用~把种子盖上 cover seeds with earth♦ ~台 an earthen platform♦ 他鞋上都是~。 There's dust all over his shoes.2. land; ground♦ 国土 ♦ 领土 3. (crude) opium♦ 烟土 形1. local; native♦ 他穿着那件大褂显着~得很。 He looks very rustic in his gown.♦ 他说的是很~的北京话。 He speaks with a broad Beijing accent.2. homemade; indigenous♦ ~办法 indigenous methods♦ ~杂肥 farmyard manure3. unrefined; unenlightened♦ 土里土气




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