

释义 團1. group2. regiment3. to unite林语堂林语堂★◀▶團團 635B50  41.41-1  部居  畫數 14ㄊㄨㄢˊ [tuan2] N.(1)  A roundish mass, a circle, a lump of indefinite shape: 一團麵 a lump of noodles;一團和氣 a prevailing mood of harmony;一團糟 a complete mess;圍成一團 form a circle;一團線,亂髮 a mass of thread, loose hair;粉團 dumpling.(2)  A body, group of people: 團體 [tuan2ti3]↓: 集團 group (of delegates, visitors, etc.);社團 a group, a society;訪問團 group of visitors;使節團 diplomatic corps;義和團 Boxers (band) of 1900;財團 body of financiers, investors;主席團 presidium.(3)  (Mil.) regiment: see 團長,團副 [tuan2zhang3], [tuan2fu4]↓.V.i.To unite: 團結,團聚 [tuan2jie2], [tuan2jU4]↓.Adj. & adv.(1)  Round: 團形 round-shaped;團臉 round face;面團團 a roundish, fleshy face.(2)  As a body, collective: 團拜 pay respects as a group, mutual congratulations at a group meeting on New Year's Day.Words1. 團契 [tuan2qi4], v.i., unite in friendly spirit.2. 團臍 [tuan2qi2], n., roundish shell of female crab.3. 團丁 [tuan2ding1], n., member of volunteer group.4. 團粉 [tuan2fen3], n., noodles made of bean flour.5. 團匪 [tuan2fei3], n., name for the Boxers of 1900 (義和團).6. 團副 [tuan2fu4], n., second in command of regiment.7. 團長 [tuan2zhang3], n., regiment commander.8. 團結 [tuan2jie2], v.i., to unite, esp. in spirit.9. 團聚 [tuan2jU4], v.i. & n., have a reunion (of friends, relatives).10. 團練 [tuan2lian4], v.t. & n., training of militiamen.11. 團欒 [tuan2luan2], (1) n., have reunion; (2) adj., round, also wr. 團.12. 團龍 [tuan2long2], n., circle of embroidered dragon on ceremonial robes.13. 團牌 [tuan2pai2], n., round rattan shield used by soldiers.14. 團扇 [tuan2shan4], n., silk round fan.15. 團體 [tuan2ti3], n., body, group (of students, strikers, etc.).16. 團團 [tuan2tuan2], adj. & adv., round and round: 團團轉 turn round and round; 團團圍住 completely surround(-ed).17. 團圓 [tuan2yUan2], v.i. & n., esp. family reunited: 大團圓 grand union; (fig.) happy ending; 一家團圓,團圓節 Mid-Autumn Festival (of family reunion); 團圓媳婦 formerly, used of daughter-in-law raised from childhood in the family.18. 團魚 [tuan2yU2], n., var. name for turtle (鱉).團團 [tuan2tuan2], adj. & adv., round and round: 團團轉 turn round and round;




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