

单词 chir
释义 chir耦N.(2)  A team of two, a match, an equal: 齊大非耦也 the Kingdom Chir is too powerful to be our partner in marriage.封V.t.太公封於齊 Duke Tai was made prince of Chir;臍Words1. 臍帶(兒) [qi2dai4] (chir-dah-’l), n., placenta cord ending in the navel.譖V.t.Malign, calumniate, slander: 夫人譖公於齊侯 (AC) she maligned him before the marquis of Chir;泱Words2. 泱泱 [yang1yang1], adj., (AC) broad and deep; (AC) grand, impressive: 泱泱大風 orig. said in praise of 齊 Chir music, now used in praise of the impressive manner of a great country (泱泱大國).補Words4. 補情(兒) [bu3qing2](buu-chir-'l), v.i., show gratitude by gifts.犯V.t.犯境,犯界 poach into territory, (AC) invade country: 犯齊 attack Chir State, see 侵 犯 91A.82.Chir契尔河Chir契爾河外國地名譯名




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