

单词 国库
释义 文馨英漢☞國庫国库 guókùnational/state treasury; exchequer国库guókùpublic pursestate treasurynational exchequer国库state treasury; state treasuries(plural)国库 guó kù national treasury; exchequer 国库存单(存款收据) treasury deposit receipt; 国库存款 treasury deposit; 国库定期债券 treasury term bond; 国库收入 public revenue; 国库投资与借款 treasury investment and loan; 国库盈余 treasury surplus; 国库债券 exchequer bond; treasury bonds; 国库债务 exchequer bond; 国库账 account of treasury; account of the exchequer; state treasury bonds; treasury bills; treasury bond; 国库账户 account of treasury; 国库证券 treasury notes; treasury certificate; exchequer bills; 国库支付命令书 treasury warrant; 国库支票 treasury check国库a.fiscal国库的;国家岁入的;(政府)财政的n.treasury金库;库房;国库damper〈美俚〉现金记录机;(商店中)放钱的抽屉;银行;国库Exchequer国库,金库fisk〈苏格兰〉国库fisc国库;王室(或皇室)财库国库1. the (national) treasury; the state treasury; the exchequer国库national treasury国库Treasury国库national (or state) treasury; exchequer♦ 充实~ augment the national treasury♦ ~空虚。 The national treasury is depleted.




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