

单词 国务
释义 国务 guówùstate affairs国务guówùaffairs of state国务state affairs最高国务会议 supreme state affairs conference国务 guó wù national affairs; affairs of the state 国务大臣 minister of state; 国务活动家 politician; 国务卿 (美) Secretary of State; 国务委员 State Councillor; 国务委员会 state council林语堂当代汉英繁简☞國務国务a.pragmatic国事的,国务的;团体事务的n.state国务,国务活动; [S-] (美国)国务院国务state affairs~会议 state conference~卿 (in the U. S.) Secretary of State~委员 a member of the State Council; State Councillor~院 the State Council




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