

单词 固然
释义 固然1. indeed2. of course固然 gùrán1) no doubt2) of course; admittedly固然gùránadmittedly (it's true that...)固然表示承认某事实,引出转折admittedly话固然不错,但仍须考虑一下 what one says is true, but still requires consideration我这里参考书固然有,但是对你未必适用。 Admittedly, I do have reference books here, but they will not necessarily be useful to you.房间固然不大,但还明亮。 Admittedly, the room isn't large, but it is bright.表示两可indicating the existence of two possibilities坐火车固然可以,坐轮船也无不可。 Of course one can go by train, but getting the boat is also possible.固然 gù rán (承认某个事实, 引出下文转折) no doubt; it is true; true:  这样办固然稳当些, 可就是要慢一些。 No doubt it would be safer to do it that way, but it would be slower. (承认一种事实, 也不否认另一种事实) of course; admittedly:  他能来固然很好, 不来也没有关系。 If he can come, of course that'll be fine, but if he can't, it doesn't matter. 林语堂林语堂★◀▶固然 [gu4ran0], adj. & adv., (1) assured(ly), certain(ly), doubtless: 事有必至,理有固然 it is bound to happen-is logical and natural; adj. & adv., (2) adv. & conj., though, it is true that…: 你這樣做,固然不錯 granted that (it is true that) the way you do it is right, still….固然even though;固然phr.to be sure诚然,固然,必须承认固然1. no doubt2. of course固然(admitting a point that goes or does not go against the main argument of the sentence) though of course; admittedly; no doubt; it is true♦ 这样办~稳当些, 可就是要慢一些。 No doubt it would be safer to do it that way, but it would be slower.英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞ABSOLUTELY英華☞Affectedly英華☞ASSUREDLY英華☞CERTAINLY英華☞ACTUALLY




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