

单词 团拜
释义 文馨英漢☞團拜团拜 tuánbàiI v.1) pay group calls at the New Year2) exchange greetings at a get-togetherII n.mass greetings/congratulations团拜机关团体或某一集体的成员,为庆祝新年或春节而聚在一起互相拜年祝贺to meet and exchange greetings唱片公司自家的团拜活动。 Record company's own New Year meet and greet activity.新年伊始,公司组织团拜。 The new year has just begun, and the company is organizing people to meet and exchange greetings.团拜 tuán bài mass greetings; mass congratulations团拜1. the practice of having all the staff members together on New Year's Day to express their greetings to each other团拜gather together to exchange greetings (as on New Year's Day)




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