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释义 文馨英漢☞回顧回顾 huígùlook back; review他回顾了大学生活。 He reviewed his college life.回顾huígùto look backto review回顾回头看to look back回想to review回顾既往 look back at the past回顾过去,瞻望未来 review the past and look forward to the future历史的回顾 historical review老电影回顾展 retrospective of old films回顾 huí gù look back; review; retrospect:  回顾个人以往的工作 review one's work of the past year in retrospect;  回顾过去, 展望未来 review the past and look forward to the future;  1991年的回顾 1991 in retrospect;  回顾展 a retrospective exhibition of a painter's work, one that traces his development from his early to his latest work 回顾a.retrospective回顾的,回想的;追溯的n.review回顾,检讨;复查;【律】复审retrospect回顾,回想;追溯retrospection回顾,回想;追溯retrodiction回顾,追溯vi.revise〈废〉回顾retrospect回顾,回想;追溯 (to)retrograde重述;回顾vt.review回顾,检讨;复查;【律】复审retrospect回顾;追溯retrace回忆,回顾;追述phr.cast back回顾,回忆hash over〈美口〉充分讨论;回顾回顾1. to look back; to turn back to look; to step back; to review; to retrace; to cast one's mind back to; to flash back; to run back over2. a review; (in) retrospect; retrospection回顾RETROSPECTION双向☞检查--评论--观察双向☞观察--回顾--审查双向☞评论--回顾--复习双向☞回顾--追述双向☞评介--回顾回顾look back; review♦ ~长征 look back on the Long March♦ 1991年的~ 1991 in retrospect




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