

单词 回答
释义 回答1. to reply2. to answer3. to respond回答 huídáanswer; reply请回答我的问题。 Please answer my question.回答huídáto replyto answerthe answerCL:个[gè]回答to answer为了回答这些问题 in order to answer these questions避不回答 avoid giving a reply得到回答 receive a response回答信号 answer signal他不知怎样回答才好。 He didn't know how to answer.我们的成就是对诽谤者最好的回答。 Our achievements are the best response to our detractors.回答 huí dá answer; reply; response:  回答问题 answer a question;  我考虑成熟后再给你回答。 I'll let you have an answer after mature consideration.  他们必须得到一个要么是要么非的明确回答。 They must have a definite replay, yes or no. 回答呼号 return call; 回答脉冲 reply pulse; response pulse; 回答时间 response time; 回答信号 recall signal; receipt signal; inverse signal; call-back; 回答延迟 {航空} beacon delay林语堂林语堂★◀▶回答 [hui2da2], v.i., & n., answer by word or letter.回答reply;回答a.respondent回答的;应答的;有反应的,反射的responsive(表示)回答的;应答的;响应的n.return答复,回答answer回答;答复;复信response回答;答复reply回答,答复(以动作等表示的)回答;回击,还击replication回答,答复;【律】〈旧〉(原告对被告抗辩的)答辩;(被告对原告的)第二次答辩rejoinder回答;反驳respondence回答;答复vi.return回答;反驳answer回答;答复respond作答,回答reply回答,答复rejoin回答;反驳vt.answer回答;答复reply回答,答复replicate〈罕〉回答,答复rejoin回答;反驳回答1. to answer; to reply to; to respond2. an answer; a reply; a response回答answer back回答answer回答reply双向☞起反应--响应--反应双向☞反驳--答辩--回答双向☞答复--回答回答answer; reply; response♦ 请~我的问题。 Answer my question, please.♦ 从理论上~了这个问题 furnish a theoretical answer to this question英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞ANSWER




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